def light9_presentation(): """ Drew Perttula Goals of light9: - control the brightness of many lights while playing music - allow easy editing of the show - allow easy maintenance of the code, even while the show is running """ def dependencies(): """ Twisted - event loop and networking TwistedWeb - xmlrpc protocol tk, tix pympd - my twisted interface to mpd pydispatcher - signals mpd - music player daemon swig - interface to C code darcs * """ def connections(): """ (play cmds) ascoltami --------------> mpd ----------> audio out | (timing) v curvecalc subcomposer keyboardcomposer | | | +--- | ----+ \----- | --------/ \--+---/ | (light levels) v * dmxserver | (dmx levels) ......... v .................... . chippy . . | (dmx) . external hardware . v . . dmx dimmer . . | (juice) . . v . . light . ................................ """ def metrics(): """ selected linecounts: 356 ascoltami (music player) 318 curvecalc (curve and expression editor) 279 keyboardcomposer 189 dmxserver (hardware output) 153 subcomposer 17 wavecurve (create smoothed waveforms from .wav) 311 light9/ (curve widgets) 191 light9/ (enhanced tk.Scale) 168 light9/ * 151 light9/ 137 light9/ 40 light9/ 65 light9/io/parport.c (dmx interface protocol) 50 light9/io/serport.i (i2c interface to sliders) total in project: about 3200 in about 30 files """ def future_projects(): """ A submaster server that talks with the other programs and eliminates all the explicit saving and reloading of subs More abstract output layer, to which I can add home lighting, for example Small timed 'clips' that can be triggered Generalize to a whizzy, distributed real-time circuit simulator node network with a 5GL editor and failsafe checkpointing and redundancy * """