#!/usr/bin/python """ rewrite all the songs with silence at the start and end """ import sys, wave, logging, os sys.path.append(".") from light9 import networking, showconfig from light9.namespaces import L9 from light9.ascoltami.playlist import Playlist logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger() introPad = 4 postPad = 9 # 5 + autostop + 4 playlist = Playlist.fromShow(showconfig.getGraph(), showconfig.showUri()) # instead of taking a show uri like it should, i just convert every # path i find in the graph (hoping that you only loaded statements for # the current show) for p in playlist.allSongPaths(): log.info("read %s", p) inputWave = wave.open(p, 'r') outputDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p), "pad") try: os.makedirs(outputDir) except OSError: pass # exists outputPath = os.path.join(outputDir, os.path.basename(p)) outputWave = wave.open(outputPath, 'w') outputWave.setparams(inputWave.getparams()) bytesPerSecond = (inputWave.getnchannels() * inputWave.getsampwidth() * inputWave.getframerate()) outputWave.writeframesraw("\x00" * (bytesPerSecond * introPad)) outputWave.writeframesraw(inputWave.readframes(inputWave.getnframes())) outputWave.writeframesraw("\x00" * (bytesPerSecond * postPad)) outputWave.close() log.info("wrote %s", outputPath)