The DMX USB driver is a Linux 2.6 kernel driver for the Enttec DMX USB dongle ( ) Building the driver Before the driver can be build, the kernel sourcecode needs to be installed. To build the driver just call make, this should build a dmx_usb.ko (the kernel module) and a dmx_usb_test(a small test program). Loading the right driver. A "small" problem to solve was to make the kernel clear that it should use my driver for the dongle and not the standard usbserial driver. Since I don't have any other USBserial devices with the samechip type I just removed the ftdi_sio.ko module, and changed the /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap to point to my module. To support both the ftdi_sio.o module and the dmx_usb.o module the ftdi_sio.o module should be patched and the Product ID for the FT232BM should be removed from it, this will mean all other serial-usb devices are still supported just not the one with FT232BM chips, since it isn't possible to differentiate DMX-USB and normal-serial versions.