from Tkinter import * def printevent(ev): for k in dir(ev): if not k.startswith('__'): print k,getattr(ev,k) print "" textstyle={'font':'arial 7','fill':'white'} class Stage(Canvas): """a fancy widget that shows light locations (and optionally their aim locations on an image of the stage. you can select or multiselect lights and drag them up or down to change their brightness. ctrl-a is select all, ctrl-shift-a or clicking on no light deselects all, re-clicking a light with shift key down toggles whether it's in the selection. ctrl-drag-rectangle deselects the lights in the rectangle, shift-drag-rectangle selects the lights in the rectangle, drag-rectangle selects only the lights in the rectangle. a light can be selected on its location point, its aim point (which may or may not be present), or its name. lights should be able to be interactively 'locked', which blocks them from being selected. """ def __init__(self,parent,**kw): Canvas.__init__(self,parent,**kw) self.bind("", self.leftpress) self.bind("", self.leftmotion) self.bind("", self.leftrelease) self.halo=11 # search radius for clicked items self.lmbstate=None # as you perform with LMB, this goes from None to 'pressed','rectangle','levelchange' self.alllights=[] self.selectedlights=[] self.alllighttags={} # tag: name lookup def setimage(self,stageimage): img = Image('photo',file=stageimage) self.img=img # can't lose this! print img.width() self.create_image(0,0,anchor='nw',image=img) self.config(width=img.width(),height=img.height()) # # selection management # def updateselectionboxes(self): "make selection boxes that match self.selectedlights" self.delete("selectbox") for l in self.selectedlights: for c in self.getlightbboxes(l): self.create_rectangle(c[0]-2,c[1]-2,c[2]+2,c[3]+2,outline='red',tag="selectbox") def clearselection(self,dyn=0): self.selectedlights=[] self.updateselectionboxes() def markfordynselection(self): """call this before calls to replacedynselection""" self.origselection = self.selectedlights def replacedynselection(self,newlightnames): """as a dynamic selection changes, keep calling this function with the names of the lights in the dynamic selection. the original selection (at the time of markfordynselection) will be shown along with any new lights""" self.selectedlights = self.origselection + [l for l in newlightnames if l not in self.origselection] self.updateselectionboxes() def select(self,lightname,select=1,dyn=0): # select=0 for deselect if select: if lightname not in self.selectedlights: self.selectedlights.append(lightname) elif lightname in self.selectedlights: self.selectedlights.remove(lightname) self.updateselectionboxes() # # LMB click or drag # def leftpress(self,ev): self.lmbstate='pressed' self.lmbstart=(ev.x,ev.y) print "click at",self.lmbstart shifted=ev.state & 1 control=ev.state & 4 touching=self.findoverlappinglights((ev.x-self.halo,ev.y-self.halo,ev.x+self.halo,ev.y+self.halo)) istouching=len(touching)>0 if not istouching: # clicked in space if not shifted and not control and len(self.selectedlights)>0: # either a deselect (if no motion) or a level change (if motion) self.lmbstate = 'deselect-or-level' if shifted or control or len(self.selectedlights)==0: # with shift/control, add/subtract lights to selection self.lmbstate='rectangle' else: # clicked a selectable object # toggle selection if touching[0] in self.selectedlights: if shifted: # deselect[0],0) # and do nothing else self.lmbstate=None else: # select only this light self.clearselection()[0]) # and adjust its level self.lmbstate='levelchange' else: if not shifted: self.clearselection()[0]) # and adjust levels now self.lmbstate='levelchange' if self.lmbstate=='rectangle': self.markfordynselection() def leftmotion(self,ev): coords=(ev.x,ev.y) shifted=ev.state & 1 control=ev.state & 4 if self.lmbstate=='deselect-or-level': if (coords[0]-self.lmbstart[0])**2+(coords[1]-self.lmbstart[1])**2>self.halo**2: # they moved enough, it's a level change self.lmbstate='levelchange' if self.lmbstate=='levelchange': delta = self.lmbstart[1]-ev.y print "change by",delta if self.lmbstate=='rectangle': sr = self.find_withtag('selectrect') if not sr: sr=self.create_rectangle( self.lmbstart[0],self.lmbstart[1],coords[0],coords[1], outlinestipple='gray50',outline='yellow', tag='selectrect') # move rectangle with mouse self.coords(sr,*(self.lmbstart+coords)) # redo the dynselection with the new rectangle self.replacedynselection([o for o in self.findoverlappinglights((self.lmbstart+coords),1)]) # need to handle ctrl def leftrelease(self,ev): if self.lmbstate: if self.lmbstate=='rectangle': self.delete('selectrect') if self.lmbstate=='deselect-or-level': # they didn't move enough to promote the mode to level, so it's a deselect click self.clearselection() # all items that were in dynselection join the selection # self.incorporatedynselection() self.lmbstate=None # # light names vs. canvas object tags # def nametag(self,name): "returns a safe version of the name that won't match other names" return name.replace(" ","__") def tagtoname(self,tag): "finds the real light name for a tag written by nametag()" return self.alllighttags[tag] # # light methods # def addlight(self,name,location,aim=None): tags='light selectable name_%s' % self.nametag(name) self.create_oval(location[0]-2,location[1]-2, location[0]+2,location[1]+2, fill='red',tag=tags+" hotspot") if aim: self.create_oval(aim[0]-2,aim[1]-2, aim[0]+2,aim[1]+2, fill='red',tag=tags+" hotspot") self.create_line(location[0],location[1],aim[0],aim[1],fill='lightblue', arrow='last',arrowshape="9 15 6",tag='light') self.create_text(location[0]-1,location[1]+6,anchor='n',text=name,fill='black',tag=tags,**dict([(k,v) for k,v in textstyle.items() if k!='fill'])) self.create_text(location[0],location[1]+5,anchor='n',text=name,tag=tags,**textstyle) self.alllights.append(name) self.alllighttags[self.nametag(name)]=name def getlightbboxes(self,tag): """returns a list of bboxes for a light with a given name_ tag. the selection mechanism draws around these bboxes to show that a light is selected""" bboxes=[] for o in self.find_withtag("name_%s" % self.nametag(tag)): if 'hotspot' in self.gettags(o): bboxes.append(self.bbox(o)) return bboxes def findoverlappinglights(self,box,enclosed=0): "returns all the different name_ tags for lights that are within (or enclosed by) the box" lights=[] if enclosed: candidates = self.find_enclosed(*box) else: candidates = self.find_overlapping(*box) for o in candidates: for t in self.gettags(o): if t.startswith("name_"): n = self.tagtoname(t[5:]) if n and (n not in lights): lights.append(n) return lights def createlights(s): s.setimage('guysanddolls.gif') s.addlight('desk1',(46, 659), aim=(210, 381)) s.addlight('marry1',(78, 661), aim=(398, 428)) s.addlight('b13',(110, 661)) s.addlight('hotbox1',(147, 657), aim=(402, 327)) s.addlight('edge',(179, 651), aim=(116, 441)) s.addlight('phone',(214, 652), aim=(651, 417)) s.addlight('cuba1',(315, 656), aim=(559, 407)) s.addlight('b22',(347, 661), aim=(247, 458)) s.addlight('b23',(379, 661)) s.addlight('b24',(417, 661)) s.addlight('b25',(455, 658), aim=(520, 466)) s.addlight('desk2',(490, 655), aim=(237, 375)) s.addlight('rock',(571, 655), aim=(286, 304)) s.addlight('b32',(606, 650)) s.addlight('hotbox2',(637, 650), aim=(433, 337)) s.addlight('b34',(671, 651)) s.addlight('marry2',(703, 651), aim=(429, 426)) s.addlight('cuba2',(733, 652), aim=(602, 408)) s.addlight('sidefill1',(115, 473),aim=(228, 423)) s.addlight('sidefill2',(617, 475),aim=(526, 425)) s.addlight('cycright',(485, 164),(483, 109)) s.addlight('cycleft',(330, 154),(333, 108)) s.addlight('upfill1',(275, 325),(262, 237)) s.addlight('upfill2',(333, 326),(330, 229)) s.addlight('upfill3',(473, 325),(454, 226)) s.addlight('upfill4',(541, 325),(528, 223)) s.addlight('god',(369,549)) s.addlight('patio1',(42, 560),(12, 512)) s.addlight('patio2',(675, 553),(793, 514)) s.addlight('hotback',(413, 476),(414, 396)) if __name__=='__main__': root=Tk() root.wm_geometry("+376+330") s=Stage(root) s.setimage('guysanddolls.gif') s.pack() createlights(s) root.mainloop()