import debug from "debug"; import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit"; import { customElement, query, state } from "lit/decorators.js"; import { CollectorClient } from "../collector/CollectorClient"; import { getTopGraph } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph"; import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph"; import { Light9Camera } from "./Light9Camera"; import { XyPlot } from "./XyPlot"; export { RdfdbSyncedGraph } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph"; export { Light9Camera } from "./Light9Camera"; export { XyPlot } from "./XyPlot"; debug.enable("*"); const log = debug("calibrate"); async function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } @customElement("light9-calibrate") export class Light9Calibrate extends LitElement { graph!: SyncedGraph; static styles = [ css` button { min-height: 3em; min-width: 10em; } `, ]; collector: CollectorClient = new CollectorClient("calibrate"); @query("light9-camera", true) cam?: Light9Camera; @query("xy-plot", true) plot?: XyPlot; @state() device: string; constructor() { super(); this.device = ""; getTopGraph().then((g) => { this.graph = g; }); } render() { return html`


Device to calibrate: [ ${this.device} ]

r/g/b/r*g*b lines ,x=send y=seen `; } async withButtonSpinner(ev: MouseEvent, fn: () => Promise) { const btn = as HTMLButtonElement; try { btn.disabled = true; await fn(); } finally { btn.disabled = false; } } async setToFull(ev: MouseEvent) { await this.withButtonSpinner(ev, async () => { this.collector.updateSettings([ /// device,attr,value [this.device, "", "#ffffff"], [this.device, "", 1], ]); }); } async findSafeExposure(ev: MouseEvent) { await this.withButtonSpinner(ev, async () => { const gatherSample = async (expo: number) => { await"exposureTime", expo); const settleUntil = + 1000; let miny =!; while ( < settleUntil) { await sleep(50); miny = Math.min(miny,!); } this.plot!.insertPoint(expo, miny); }; // todo: drive around without big skips, gradually slower, looking for the max workable expo let fixedSteps = 8; const expoMin = 1; const expoMax = 200; let expo = 0; const data=this.plot!.data; while (data.length < 20) { if (data.length < fixedSteps + 1) { expo = expoMin + ((expoMax - expoMin) / fixedSteps) * data.length; } else { let x2 = data.findIndex(([_, y]) => y > 2); if (x2 < 1) x2 = 1; const x1 = x2 - 1; log(JSON.stringify([x1, data[x1], x2, data[x2]])); expo = (data[x1][0] + data[x2][0]) / 2; log(data); } await gatherSample(expo); } }); } async setToZero(ev: MouseEvent) { await this.withButtonSpinner(ev, async () => { this.collector.updateSettings([ [this.device, "", "#000000"], [this.device, "", 0], ]); }); } async markTare(ev: MouseEvent) { await this.withButtonSpinner(ev, async () => {}); } async calibrateLoop(ev: MouseEvent) { await this.withButtonSpinner(ev, async () => {}); } }