from __future__ import division import math, time, logging from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GooCanvas import louie as dispatcher from rdflib import Literal from light9.curvecalc.zoomcontrol import RegionZoom from light9.curvecalc import cursors from light9.curvecalc.curve import introPad, postPad from lib.goocanvas_compat import Points, polyline_new_line log = logging.getLogger() print " toplevel" def vlen(v): return math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]) def angle_between(base, p0, p1): p0 = p0[0] - base[0], p0[1] - base[1] p1 = p1[0] - base[0], p1[1] - base[1] p0 = [x/vlen(p0) for x in p0] p1 = [x/vlen(p1) for x in p1] dot = p0[0]*p1[0]+p0[1]*p1[1] dot = max(-1,min(1,dot)) return math.degrees(math.acos(dot)) class Sketch: """a sketch motion on a curveview, with temporary points while you draw, and simplification when you release""" def __init__(self,curveview,ev): self.curveview = curveview self.pts = [] self.last_x = None def motion(self,ev): p = self.curveview.world_from_screen(ev.x, ev.y) p = p[0], max(0,min(1,p[1])) if self.last_x is not None and abs(ev.x - self.last_x) < 4: return self.last_x = ev.x self.pts.append(p) self.curveview.add_point(p) def release(self,ev): pts = self.pts pts.sort() finalPoints = pts[:] dx = .01 to_remove = [] for i in range(1,len(pts)-1): x = pts[i][0] p_left = (x - dx, self.curveview.curve(x - dx)) p_right = (x + dx, self.curveview.curve(x + dx)) if angle_between(pts[i], p_left, p_right) > 160: to_remove.append(i) for i in to_remove: self.curveview.curve.remove_point(pts[i]) finalPoints.remove(pts[i]) # the simplified curve may now be too far away from some of # the points, so we'll put them back. this has an unfortunate # bias toward reinserting the earlier points for i in to_remove: p = pts[i] if abs(self.curveview.curve(p[0]) - p[1]) > .1: self.curveview.add_point(p) finalPoints.append(p) self.curveview.update_curve() self.curveview.select_points(finalPoints) class SelectManip(object): """ selection manipulator is created whenever you have a selection. It draws itself on the canvas and edits the points when you drag various parts """ def __init__(self, parent, getSelectedIndices, getWorldPoint, getScreenPoint, getCanvasSize, setPoints, getWorldTime, getWorldValue, getDragRange): """parent goocanvas group""" self.getSelectedIndices = getSelectedIndices self.getWorldPoint = getWorldPoint self.getScreenPoint = getScreenPoint self.getCanvasSize = getCanvasSize self.setPoints = setPoints self.getWorldTime = getWorldTime self.getDragRange = getDragRange self.getWorldValue = getWorldValue self.grp = GooCanvas.CanvasGroup(parent=parent) self.title = GooCanvas.CanvasText(parent=self.grp, text="selectmanip", x=10, y=10, fill_color='white', font="ubuntu 10") self.bbox = GooCanvas.CanvasRect(parent=self.grp, fill_color_rgba=0xffff0030, line_width=0) self.xTrans = polyline_new_line(parent=self.grp, close_path=True, fill_color_rgba=0xffffff88, ) self.centerScale = polyline_new_line(parent=self.grp, close_path=True, fill_color_rgba=0xffffff88, ) thickLine = lambda: polyline_new_line(parent=self.grp, stroke_color_rgba=0xffffccff, line_width=6) self.leftScale = thickLine() self.rightScale = thickLine() self.topScale = thickLine() for grp, name in [(self.xTrans, 'x'), (self.leftScale, 'left'), (self.rightScale, 'right'), (self.topScale, 'top'), (self.centerScale, 'centerScale'), ]: grp.connect("button-press-event", self.onPress, name) grp.connect("button-release-event", self.onRelease, name) grp.connect("motion-notify-event", self.onMotion, name) grp.connect("enter-notify-event", self.onEnter, name) grp.connect("leave-notify-event", self.onLeave, name) # and hover highlight self.update() def onEnter(self, item, target_item, event, param): self.prevColor = item.props.stroke_color_rgba item.props.stroke_color_rgba = 0xff0000ff def onLeave(self, item, target_item, event, param): item.props.stroke_color_rgba = self.prevColor def onPress(self, item, target_item, event, param): self.dragStartTime = self.getWorldTime(event.x) idxs = self.getSelectedIndices() self.origPoints = [self.getWorldPoint(i) for i in idxs] self.origMaxValue = max(p[1] for p in self.origPoints) moveLeft, moveRight = self.getDragRange(idxs) if param == 'centerScale': self.maxPointMove = min(moveLeft, moveRight) self.dragRange = (self.dragStartTime - moveLeft, self.dragStartTime + moveRight) return True def onMotion(self, item, target_item, event, param): if hasattr(self, 'dragStartTime'): origPts = zip(self.getSelectedIndices(), self.origPoints) left = origPts[0][1][0] right = origPts[-1][1][0] width = right - left dontCross = .001 clampLo = left if param == 'right' else self.dragRange[0] clampHi = right if param == 'left' else self.dragRange[1] def clamp(x, lo, hi): return max(lo, min(hi, x)) mouseT = self.getWorldTime(event.x) clampedT = clamp(mouseT, clampLo + dontCross, clampHi - dontCross) dt = clampedT - self.dragStartTime if param == 'x': self.setPoints((i, (orig[0] + dt, orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts) elif param == 'left': self.setPoints(( i, (left + dt + (orig[0] - left) / width * clamp(width - dt, dontCross, right - clampLo - dontCross), orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts) elif param == 'right': self.setPoints(( i, (left + (orig[0] - left) / width * clamp(width + dt, dontCross, clampHi - left - dontCross), orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts) elif param == 'top': v = self.getWorldValue(event.y) if self.origMaxValue == 0: self.setPoints((i, (orig[0], v)) for i, orig in origPts) else: scl = max(0, min(1 / self.origMaxValue, v / self.origMaxValue)) self.setPoints((i, (orig[0], orig[1] * scl)) for i, orig in origPts) elif param == 'centerScale': dt = mouseT - self.dragStartTime rad = width / 2 tMid = left + rad maxScl = (rad + self.maxPointMove - dontCross) / rad newWidth = max(dontCross / width, min((rad + dt) / rad, maxScl)) * width self.setPoints((i, (tMid + ((orig[0] - left) / width - .5) * newWidth, orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts) def onRelease(self, item, target_item, event, param): if hasattr(self, 'dragStartTime'): del self.dragStartTime def update(self): """if the view or selection or selected point positions change, call this to redo the layout of the manip""" idxs = self.getSelectedIndices() pts = [self.getScreenPoint(i) for i in idxs] b = self.bbox.props b.x = min(p[0] for p in pts) - 5 b.y = min(p[1] for p in pts) - 5 margin = 10 if len(pts) > 1 else 0 b.width = max(p[0] for p in pts) - b.x + margin b.height = min(max(p[1] for p in pts) - b.y + margin, self.getCanvasSize().height - b.y - 1) multi = (GooCanvas.CanvasItemVisibility.VISIBLE if len(pts) > 1 else GooCanvas.CanvasItemVisibility.INVISIBLE) b.visibility = multi self.leftScale.props.visibility = multi self.rightScale.props.visibility = multi self.topScale.props.visibility = multi self.centerScale.props.visibility = multi self.title.props.text = "%s %s selected" % ( len(idxs), "point" if len(idxs) == 1 else "points") centerX = b.x + b.width / 2 midY = self.getCanvasSize().height * .5 loY = self.getCanvasSize().height * .8 self.leftScale.props.points = Points([ (b.x, b.y), (b.x, b.y + b.height)]) self.rightScale.props.points = Points([ (b.x + b.width, b.y), (b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height)]) self.topScale.props.points = Points([ (b.x, b.y), (b.x + b.width, b.y)]) self.updateXTrans(centerX, midY) self.centerScale.props.points = Points([ (centerX - 5, loY - 5), (centerX + 5, loY - 5), (centerX + 5, loY + 5), (centerX - 5, loY + 5)]) def updateXTrans(self, centerX, midY): x1 = centerX - 30 x2 = centerX - 20 x3 = centerX + 20 x4 = centerX + 30 y1 = midY - 10 y2 = midY - 5 y3 = midY + 5 y4 = midY + 10 shape = [ (x1, midY), # left tip (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y2), (x3, y1), (x4, midY), # right tip (x3, y4), (x3, y3), (x2, y3), (x2, y4) ] self.xTrans.props.points = Points(shape) def destroy(self): self.grp.remove() class Curveview(object): """ graphical curve widget only. Please pack .widget """ def __init__(self, curve, markers, knobEnabled=False, isMusic=False, zoomControl=None): """knobEnabled=True highlights the previous key and ties it to a hardware knob""" self.redrawsEnabled = False self.rebuild() self.curve = curve self.markers = markers self.knobEnabled = knobEnabled self._isMusic = isMusic self.zoomControl = zoomControl self._time = -999 self.last_mouse_world = None self.culled = False # have we been putting off updates? self.entered = False # is the mouse currently over this widget self.selected_points=[] # idx of points being dragged self.dots = {} # self.bind("",self.focus) dispatcher.connect(self.playPause, "onPlayPause") dispatcher.connect(self.input_time, "input time") dispatcher.connect(self.update_curve, "zoom changed") dispatcher.connect(self.update_curve, "points changed", sender=self.curve) dispatcher.connect(self.update_curve, "mute changed", sender=self.curve) dispatcher.connect(self.select_between, "select between") dispatcher.connect(self.acls, "all curves lose selection") if self.knobEnabled: dispatcher.connect(self.knob_in, "knob in") dispatcher.connect(self.slider_in, "set key") # todo: hold control to get a [+] cursor # def curs(ev): # print ev.state # self.bind("",curs) # self.bind("",lambda ev: curs(0)) # this binds on c-a-b1, etc if 0: # unported self.regionzoom = RegionZoom(self, self.world_from_screen, self.screen_from_world) self.sketch = None # an in-progress sketch self.dragging_dots = False self.selecting = False def acls(self, butNot=None): if butNot is self: return self.unselect() def rebuild(self): """ sometimes after windows get resized, canvas gets stuck with a weird offset. I can't find where it is, so for now we support rebuilding the canvas widget """ if hasattr(self, 'widget'): self.widget.destroy() self._time = -999 print "rebuilding canvas, destroyed old widget" self.timelineLine = self.curveGroup = self.selectManip = None self.widget = Gtk.EventBox() self.widget.set_can_focus(True) self.widget.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK) self.onFocusOut() box = Gtk.VBox() box.set_border_width(1) self.widget.add(box) self.canvas = GooCanvas.Canvas() box.pack_start(self.canvas, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) p = self.canvas.props p.background_color = 'black' p.x2 = 2000 self.size = self.canvas.get_allocation() self.root = self.canvas.get_root_item() self.canvas.connect("size-allocate", self.update_curve) self.canvas.connect("draw", self.onExpose) self.canvas.connect("leave-notify-event", self.onLeave) self.canvas.connect("enter-notify-event", self.onEnter) self.canvas.connect("motion-notify-event", self.onMotion) self.canvas.connect("scroll-event", self.onScroll) self.canvas.connect("button-release-event", self.onRelease) self.root.connect("button-press-event", self.onCanvasPress) self.widget.connect("key-press-event", self.onKeyPress) self.widget.connect("focus-in-event", self.onFocusIn) self.widget.connect("focus-out-event", self.onFocusOut) self.widget.connect("event", self.onAny) def onAny(self, w, event): print " %s on %s" % (event, w) def onFocusIn(self, *args): dispatcher.send("all curves lose selection", butNot=self) self.widget.modify_bg(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("red")) def onFocusOut(self, widget=None, event=None): self.widget.modify_bg(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("gray30")) # you'd think i'm unselecting when we lose focus, but we also # lose focus when the user moves off the toplevel window, and # that's not a time to forget the selection. See the 'all # curves lose selection' signal for the fix. def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if event.string in list('12345'): x = int(event.string) self.add_point((self.current_time(), (x - 1) / 4.0)) if event.string in list('qwerty'): self.add_marker((self.current_time(), event.string)) def onExpose(self, *args): print "onExpose for %s, culled=%s" % (self, self.culled) if self.culled: self.update_curve() def onDelete(self): if self.selected_points: self.remove_point_idx(*self.selected_points) def onCanvasPress(self, item, target_item, event): # when we support multiple curves per canvas, this should find # the close one and add a point to that. Binding to the line # itself is probably too hard to hit. Maybe a background-color # really thick line would be a nice way to allow a sloppier # click self.widget.grab_focus() _, flags = event.get_state() if flags & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK: self.new_point_at_mouse(event) elif flags & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: self.sketch_press(event) else: self.select_press(event) # this stops some other handler that wants to unfocus return True def playPause(self): """ user has pressed ctrl-p over a curve view, possibly this one. Returns the time under the mouse if we know it, or else None todo: there should be a faint timecursor line under the mouse so it's more obvious that we use that time for some events. Rt-click should include Ctrl+P as 'play/pause from here' """ # maybe self.canvas.get_pointer would be ok for this? i didn't try it if self.entered and hasattr(self, 'lastMouseX'): t = self.world_from_screen(self.lastMouseX, 0)[0] return t return None def goLive(self): """this is for startup performance only, since the curves were getting redrawn many times. """ self.redrawsEnabled = True self.update_curve() def knob_in(self, curve, value): """user turned a hardware knob, which edits the point to the left of the current time""" if curve != self.curve: return idx = self.curve.index_before(self.current_time()) if idx is not None: pos = self.curve.points[idx] self.curve.set_points([(idx, (pos[0], value))]) self.update_curve() def slider_in(self, curve, value=None): """user pushed on a slider. make a new key. if value is None, the value will be the same as the last.""" if curve != self.curve: return if value is None: value = self.curve.eval(self.current_time()) self.curve.insert_pt((self.current_time(), value)) self.update_curve() def print_state(self, msg=""): if 0: print "%s: dragging_dots=%s selecting=%s" % ( msg, self.dragging_dots, self.selecting) def select_points(self, pts): """set selection to the given point values (tuples, not indices)""" idxs = [] for p in pts: idxs.append(self.curve.points.index(p)) self.select_indices(idxs) def select_indices(self, idxs): """set selection to these point indices. This is the only writer to self.selected_points""" self.selected_points = idxs self.highlight_selected_dots() if self.selected_points and not self.selectManip: self.selectManip = SelectManip( self.root, getSelectedIndices=lambda: sorted(self.selected_points), getWorldPoint=lambda i: self.curve.points[i], getScreenPoint=lambda i: self.screen_from_world(self.curve.points[i]), getWorldTime=lambda x: self.world_from_screen(x, 0)[0], getWorldValue=lambda y: self.world_from_screen(0, y)[1], getCanvasSize=lambda: self.size, setPoints=self.setPoints, getDragRange=self.getDragRange, ) if not self.selected_points and self.selectManip: self.selectManip.destroy() self.selectManip = None self.selectionChanged() def getDragRange(self, idxs): """ if you're dragging these points, what's the most time you can move left and right before colliding (exactly) with another point """ maxLeft = maxRight = 99999 cp = self.curve.points for i in idxs: nextStatic = i while nextStatic >= 0 and nextStatic in idxs: nextStatic -= 1 if nextStatic >= 0: maxLeft = min(maxLeft, cp[i][0] - cp[nextStatic][0]) nextStatic = i while nextStatic <= len(cp) - 1 and nextStatic in idxs: nextStatic += 1 if nextStatic <= len(cp) - 1: maxRight = min(maxRight, cp[nextStatic][0] - cp[i][0]) return maxLeft, maxRight def setPoints(self, updates): self.curve.set_points(updates) self.update_curve() def selectionChanged(self): if self.selectManip: self.selectManip.update() def select_press(self,ev): # todo: these select_ handlers are getting called on c-a-drag # zooms too. the dispatching should be more selective than # just calling both handlers all the time self.print_state("select_press") if self.dragging_dots: return if not self.selecting: self.selecting = True self.select_start = self.world_from_screen(ev.x,0)[0] #cursors.push(self,"gumby") def select_motion(self,ev): if not self.selecting: return start = self.select_start cur = self.world_from_screen(ev.x, 0)[0] self.select_between(start, cur) def select_release(self,ev): self.print_state("select_release") # dotrelease never gets called, but I can clear that state here self.dragging_dots = False if not self.selecting: return #cursors.pop(self) self.selecting = False self.select_between(self.select_start, self.world_from_screen(ev.x,0)[0]) def sketch_press(self,ev): self.sketch = Sketch(self,ev) def sketch_motion(self,ev): if self.sketch: self.sketch.motion(ev) def sketch_release(self,ev): if self.sketch: self.sketch.release(ev) self.sketch = None def current_time(self): return self._time def _coords(self): z = self.zoomControl ht = self.size.height marginBottom = 3 if ht > 40 else 0 marginTop = marginBottom return z, ht, marginBottom, marginTop def screen_from_world(self,p): z, ht, marginBottom, marginTop = self._coords() return ((p[0] - z.start) / (z.end - z.start) * self.size.width, (ht - marginBottom) - p[1] * (ht - (marginBottom + marginTop))) def world_from_screen(self,x,y): z, ht, marginBottom, marginTop = self._coords() return (x / self.size.width * (z.end - z.start) + z.start, ((ht - marginBottom) - y) / (ht - (marginBottom + marginTop))) def input_time(self, val, forceUpdate=False): if self._time == val: return self.update_time_bar(val) def update_time_bar(self, t): if not getattr(self, 'timelineLine', None): self.timelineGroup = GooCanvas.CanvasGroup(parent=self.root) self.timelineLine = polyline_new_line( parent=self.timelineGroup, points=Points([(0,0), (0,0)]), line_width=2, stroke_color='red') try: pts = [self.screen_from_world((t, 0)), self.screen_from_world((t, 1))] except ZeroDivisionError: pts = [(-1, -1), (-1, -1)] self.timelineLine.set_property('points', Points(pts)) self._time = t if self.knobEnabled: self.delete('knob') prevKey = self.curve.point_before(t) if prevKey is not None: pos = self.screen_from_world(prevKey) self.create_oval(pos[0] - 8, pos[1] - 8, pos[0] + 8, pos[1] + 8, outline='#800000', tags=('knob',)) dispatcher.send("knob out", value=prevKey[1], curve=self.curve) def canvasIsVisible(self): print "test canvasIsVisible" if not hasattr(self, "scrollWin"): self.scrollWin = self.canvas while not isinstance(self.scrollWin, Gtk.ScrolledWindow): self.scrollWin = self.scrollWin.get_parent() sw = self.scrollWin top = sw.get_toplevel() visy1 = sw.translate_coordinates(top, 0, 0)[1] visy2 = visy1 + sw.get_allocation().height coords = self.canvas.translate_coordinates(top, 0, 0) if not coords: # probably broken after a reload() print " canvas coords failed" return False cany1 = coords[1] cany2 = cany1 + self.canvas.get_allocation().height ret = not (cany2 < visy1 or cany1 > visy2) print " return %s" % ret return ret def update_curve(self, *args): if not self.redrawsEnabled: print "update_curve skipping1" return if not self.canvasIsVisible(): self.culled = True print "update_curve skipping2" return self.culled = False self.size = self.canvas.get_allocation() visible_x = (self.world_from_screen(0,0)[0], self.world_from_screen(self.size.width, 0)[0]) visible_idxs = self.curve.indices_between(visible_x[0], visible_x[1], beyond=1) visible_points = [self.curve.points[i] for i in visible_idxs] if getattr(self, 'curveGroup', None): print "rm old curveGroup" self.curveGroup.remove() self.curveGroup = GooCanvas.CanvasGroup(parent=self.root) # this makes gtk quietly stop working. Getting called too early? #self.canvas.set_property("background-color", # "gray20" if self.curve.muted else "black") self.update_time_bar(self._time) print "drawing! height=%s" % self.size.height if self.size.height < 40: self._draw_line(visible_points, area=True) else: self._draw_time_tics(visible_x) self._draw_line(visible_points) self._draw_markers( self.markers.points[i] for i in self.markers.indices_between(visible_x[0], visible_x[1])) self.dots = {} # idx : canvas rectangle if len(visible_points) < 50 and not self.curve.muted: self._draw_handle_points(visible_idxs,visible_points) self.selectionChanged() def is_music(self): """are we one of the music curves (which might be drawn a bit differently)""" return self._isMusic def _draw_markers(self, pts): colorMap = { 'q':'#598522', 'w':'#662285', 'e':'#852922', 'r':'#85225C', 't':'#856B22', 'y':'#227085', } for t, name in pts: x = int(self.screen_from_world((t,0))[0]) + .5 polyline_new_line(self.curveGroup, x, 0, x, self.size.height, line_width=.4 if name in 'rty' else .8, stroke_color=colorMap.get(name, 'gray')) def _draw_time_tics(self,visible_x): tic = self._draw_one_tic tic(0, "0") t1,t2=visible_x if t2-t1<30: for t in range(int(t1),int(t2)+1): tic(t,str(t)) tic(introPad, str(introPad)) endtimes = dispatcher.send("get max time") if endtimes: endtime = endtimes[0][1] tic(endtime, "end %.1f"%endtime) tic(endtime - postPad, "post %.1f" % (endtime - postPad)) def _draw_one_tic(self,t,label): try: x = self.screen_from_world((t,0))[0] if not 0 <= x < self.size.width: return x = max(5, x) # cheat left-edge stuff onscreen except ZeroDivisionError: x = -100 ht = self.size.height polyline_new_line(self.curveGroup, x, ht, x, ht - 20, line_width=.5, stroke_color='gray70') GooCanvas.CanvasText(parent=self.curveGroup, fill_color="white", anchor=GooCanvas.CanvasAnchorType.SOUTH, font="ubuntu 7", x=x+3, y=ht-20, text=label) def _draw_line(self, visible_points, area=False): linepts=[] step=1 linewidth = 1.5 maxPointsToDraw = self.size.width / 2 if len(visible_points) > maxPointsToDraw: step = int(len(visible_points) / maxPointsToDraw) linewidth = .8 for p in visible_points[::step]: try: x,y = self.screen_from_world(p) except ZeroDivisionError: x = y = -100 linepts.append((int(x) + .5, int(y) + .5)) if self.curve.muted: fill = 'grey34' else: fill = 'white' if area: try: base = self.screen_from_world((0, 0))[1] except ZeroDivisionError: base = -100 base = base + linewidth / 2 polyline_new_line(parent=self.curveGroup, points=Points( [(linepts[0][0], base)] + linepts + [(linepts[-1][0], base)]), close_path=True, line_width=0, fill_color="green", ) = polyline_new_line(parent=self.curveGroup, points=Points(linepts), line_width=linewidth, stroke_color=fill, ) def _draw_handle_points(self,visible_idxs,visible_points): for i,p in zip(visible_idxs,visible_points): rad=3 worldp = p try: p = self.screen_from_world(p) except ZeroDivisionError: p = (-100, -100) dot = GooCanvas.CanvasRect(parent=self.curveGroup, x=int(p[0] - rad) + .5, y=int(p[1] - rad) + .5, width=rad * 2, height=rad * 2, stroke_color='gray90', fill_color='blue', line_width=1, #tags=('curve','point', 'handle%d' % i) ) if worldp[1] == 0: rad += 3 GooCanvas.CanvasEllipse(parent=self.curveGroup, center_x=p[0], center_y=p[1], radius_x=rad, radius_y=rad, line_width=2, stroke_color='#00a000', #tags=('curve','point', 'handle%d' % i) ) dot.connect("button-press-event", self.dotpress, i) #self.tag_bind('handle%d' % i,"", # lambda ev,i=i: self.dotpress(ev,i)) #self.tag_bind('handle%d' % i, "", # lambda ev, i=i: self.remove_point_idx(i)) self.dots[i]=dot self.highlight_selected_dots() def find_index_near(self,x,y): tags = self.gettags(self.find_closest(x, y)) try: handletags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith('handle')] return int(handletags[0][6:]) except IndexError: raise ValueError("no point found") def new_point_at_mouse(self, ev): p = self.world_from_screen(ev.x,ev.y) x = p[0] y = self.curve.eval(x) self.add_point((x, y)) def add_points(self, pts): idxs = [self.curve.insert_pt(p) for p in pts] self.update_curve() self.select_indices(idxs) def add_point(self, p): self.add_points([p]) def add_marker(self, p): self.markers.insert_pt(p) self.update_curve() def remove_point_idx(self, *idxs): idxs = list(idxs) while idxs: i = idxs.pop() self.curve.pop_point(i) newsel = [] newidxs = [] for si in range(len(self.selected_points)): sp = self.selected_points[si] if sp == i: continue if sp > i: sp -= 1 newsel.append(sp) for ii in range(len(idxs)): if ii > i: ii -= 1 newidxs.append(idxs[ii]) self.select_indices(newsel) idxs[:] = newidxs self.update_curve() def highlight_selected_dots(self): if not self.redrawsEnabled: return for i,d in self.dots.items(): if i in self.selected_points: d.set_property('fill_color', 'red') else: d.set_property('fill_color', 'blue') def dotpress(self, r1, r2, ev, dotidx): self.print_state("dotpress") if dotidx not in self.selected_points: self.select_indices([dotidx]) self.last_mouse_world = self.world_from_screen(ev.x, ev.y) self.dragging_dots = True def select_between(self,start,end): if start > end: start, end = end, start self.select_indices(self.curve.indices_between(start,end)) def onEnter(self, widget, event): self.entered = True def onLeave(self, widget, event): self.entered = False def onMotion(self, widget, event): self.lastMouseX = event.x if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK and 1: # and B1 self.sketch_motion(event) return self.select_motion(event) if not self.dragging_dots: return if not event.state & 256: return # not lmb-down # this way is accumulating error and also making it harder to # undo (e.g. if the user moves far out of the window or # presses esc or something). Instead, we should be resetting # the points to their start pos plus our total offset. cur = self.world_from_screen(event.x, event.y) if self.last_mouse_world: delta = (cur[0] - self.last_mouse_world[0], cur[1] - self.last_mouse_world[1]) else: delta = 0,0 self.last_mouse_world = cur moved = self.translate_points(delta) if moved: self.update_curve() def translate_points(self, delta): moved = False cp = self.curve.points updates = [] for idx in self.selected_points: newp = [cp[idx][0] + delta[0], cp[idx][1] + delta[1]] newp[1] = max(0,min(1,newp[1])) if idx>0 and newp[0] <= cp[idx-1][0]: continue if idx= cp[idx+1][0]: continue moved = True updates.append((idx, tuple(newp))) self.curve.set_points(updates) return moved def unselect(self): self.select_indices([]) def onScroll(self, widget, event): t = self.world_from_screen(event.x, 0)[0] self.zoomControl.zoom_about_mouse( t, factor=1.5 if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN else 1/1.5) def onRelease(self, widget, event): self.print_state("dotrelease") if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: # relese-B1 self.sketch_release(event) return self.select_release(event) if not self.dragging_dots: return self.last_mouse_world = None self.dragging_dots = False class CurveRow(object): """ one of the repeating curve rows (including widgets on the left) i wish these were in a list-style TreeView so i could set_reorderable on it please pack """ def __init__(self, name, curve, markers, slider, knobEnabled, zoomControl): = name = Gtk.VBox() self.cols = Gtk.HBox() controls = Gtk.Frame() controls.set_size_request(115, -1) controls.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.OUT) self.cols.pack_start(controls, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0) self.setupControls(controls, name, curve, slider) self.curveView = Curveview(curve, markers, knobEnabled=knobEnabled, isMusic=name in ['music', 'smooth_music'], zoomControl=zoomControl) self.initCurveView() dispatcher.connect(self.rebuild, "all curves rebuild") # incomplete: this makes the row start with a small size # request, but doesn't update the row widgets = True def rebuild(self): self.curveView.rebuild() self.initCurveView() self.update_ui_to_collapsed_state() def destroy(self): self.curveView.entered = False # help suppress bad position events del self.curveView def initCurveView(self): self.curveView.widget.set_size_request(-1, 100) self.cols.pack_start(self.curveView.widget, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) def setupControls(self, controls, name, curve, slider): box = Gtk.VBox() controls.add(box) txt = "curve '%s'" % name if len(name) > 7: txt = name curve_name_label = Gtk.Label(txt) box.pack_start(curve_name_label, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) bools = Gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(bools, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) self.collapsed = Gtk.CheckButton("C") bools.pack_start(self.collapsed, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) self.collapsed.connect("toggled", self.update_ui_to_collapsed_state) self.hideWhenCollapsed = [bools] self.muted = Gtk.CheckButton("M") bools.pack_start(self.muted, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) self.muted.connect("toggled", self.sync_mute_to_curve) dispatcher.connect(self.mute_changed, 'mute changed', sender=curve) self.sliderLabel = None if slider is not None: # slider should have a checkbutton, defaults to off for # music tracks self.sliderLabel = Gtk.Label("Slider %s" % slider) box.pack_start(self.sliderLabel, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) # widgets that need recoloring when we tint the row: #self.widgets = [leftside, self.collapsed, self.muted, # curve_name_label, self] #if self.sliderLabel: # self.widgets.append(self.sliderLabel) def onDelete(self): self.curveView.onDelete() def update_ui_to_collapsed_state(self, *args): if self.collapsed.get_active(): self.curveView.widget.set_size_request(-1, 25) [w.hide() for w in self.hideWhenCollapsed] else: self.curveView.widget.set_size_request(-1, 100) [ for w in self.hideWhenCollapsed] def sync_mute_to_curve(self, *args): """send value from CheckButton to the master attribute inside Curve""" new_mute = self.muted.get_active() self.curveView.curve.muted = new_mute def update_mute_look(self): """set colors on the widgets in the row according to self.muted.get()""" # not yet ported for gtk return if self.curveView.curve.muted: new_bg = 'grey20' else: new_bg = 'normal' for widget in self.widgets: widget['bg'] = new_bg def mute_changed(self): """call this if curve.muted changed""" self.muted.set_active(self.curveView.curve.muted) #self.update_mute_look() class Curvesetview(object): """ """ def __init__(self, curvesVBox, zoomControlBox, curveset): = True self.curvesVBox = curvesVBox self.curveset = curveset self.allCurveRows = set() import light9.curvecalc.zoomcontrol reload(light9.curvecalc.zoomcontrol) self.zoomControl = light9.curvecalc.zoomcontrol.ZoomControl() zoomControlBox.add(self.zoomControl.widget) self.zoomControl.widget.show_all() for c in curveset.curveNamesInOrder(): self.add_curve(c) dispatcher.connect(self.clear_curves, "clear_curves") dispatcher.connect(self.add_curve, "add_curve", sender=self.curveset) dispatcher.connect(self.set_featured_curves, "set_featured_curves") dispatcher.connect(self.song_has_changed, "song_has_changed") self.newcurvename ="", 0) eventBox = self.curvesVBox.get_parent() eventBox.connect("key-press-event", self.onKeyPress) eventBox.connect("button-press-event", self.takeFocus) def __del__(self): print "del curvesetview", id(self) def clear_curves(self): """curveset is about to re-add all new curves""" while self.allCurveRows: self.allCurveRows.pop().destroy() def song_has_changed(self): self.zoomControl.redrawzoom() def takeFocus(self, *args): """the whole curveset's eventbox is what gets the focus, currently, so keys like 'c' can work in it""" dispatcher.send("all curves lose selection") self.curvesVBox.get_parent().grab_focus() def curveRow_from_name(self, name): for cr in self.allCurveRows: if == name: return cr raise ValueError("couldn't find curveRow named %r" % name) def set_featured_curves(self, curveNames): """bring these curves to the top of the stack""" for n in curveNames[::-1]: self.curvesVBox.reorder_child(self.curveRow_from_name(n).box, Gtk.PACK_START) def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if not # workaround for old instances living past reload() return if event.string == 'c': r = self.row_under_mouse() # calling toggled() had no effect; don't know why r.collapsed.set_active(not r.collapsed.get_active()) def row_under_mouse(self): x, y = self.curvesVBox.get_pointer() for r in self.allCurveRows: inRowX, inRowY = self.curvesVBox.translate_coordinates(, x, y) _, _, w, h = if 0 <= inRowX < w and 0 <= inRowY < h: return r raise ValueError("no curveRow is under the mouse") def focus_entry(self): self.entry.focus() def new_curve(self, event): self.curveset.new_curve(self.newcurvename.get()) self.newcurvename.set('') def add_curve(self, name, slider=None, knobEnabled=False): if isinstance(name, Literal): name = str(name) curve = self.curveset.curves[name] f = CurveRow(name, curve, self.curveset.markers, slider, knobEnabled, self.zoomControl) self.curvesVBox.pack_start(, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) self.allCurveRows.add(f) f.curveView.goLive() def row(self, name): if isinstance(name, Literal): name = str(name) matches = [r for r in self.allCurveRows if == name] if not matches: raise ValueError("no curveRow named %r. only %s" % (name, [ for r in self.allCurveRows])) return matches[0] def goLive(self): """for startup performance, none of the curves redraw themselves until this is called once (and then they're normal)""" for cr in self.allCurveRows: cr.curveView.goLive() def onDelete(self): for r in self.allCurveRows: r.onDelete() def collapseAll(self): for r in self.allCurveRows: r.collapsed.set_active(True) def collapseNone(self): for r in self.allCurveRows: r.collapsed.set_active(False)