#!/usr/bin/python import web, thread, gobject, sys, optparse, logging from rdflib import URIRef sys.path.append(".") from light9.ascoltami.player import Player from light9.ascoltami.webapp import makeApp from light9 import networking, showconfig log = logging.getLogger() logging.basicConfig() gobject.threads_init() parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--show', help='show URI, like http://light9.bigasterisk.com/show/dance2008') parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="logging.DEBUG") graph = showconfig.getGraph() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO) graph = showconfig.getGraph() if not options.show: raise ValueError("missing --show http://...") player = Player() # the cherrypy server would wedge when vidref pounds on it; this # one seems to run thread.start_new(web.httpserver.runbasic, (makeApp(player, graph, URIRef(options.show)).wsgifunc(), ('', networking.musicPort()))) mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() mainloop.run()