from __future__ import generators,division from random import randrange from time import time import os from Subs import * from Cue import * from Configeffects import * f1 = Fade('bogus sub, i hope', 0, 2, 0.1) cues = [ Cue("Seat filler", 0, 10, f1), ] patch = { ('side l','sidepost1') : 45, # posts ('side r','sidepost2') : 46, 'sidefill1' : 13, 'sidefill2' : 14, ('patio1','main 1',) : 1, ('main 2',) : 2, ('main 3',) : 3, ('main 4',) : 4, ('main 5',) : 5, ('god','main 6') : 6, ('main 7',) : 7, ('main 8',) : 8, ('main 9',) : 9, ('main 10',) : 10, ('main 11',):11, ('patio2','main 12',):12, 'hotback':19, 'cycleft' : 43, 'cycright' : 42, 'house':68, ('desk1' ,'b11'):54, # left bank over house ('marry1' ,'b12'):53, ('b13',):52, ('hotbox1' ,'b14'):51, ('edge' ,'b15'):50, ('phone','b16'):49, ('cuba1' ,'b21'):55, # mid bank ('b22',):56, ('b23',):57, ('b24'):58, ('b25'):59, ('desk2' ,'b26'):60, ('rock','b31'):61, # right bank ('b32',):62, ('hotbox2' ,'b33'):63, ('b34',):64, ('marry2' ,'b35'):65, ('cuba2' ,'b36'):66, 'oran1':21, 'oran2':25, 'oran3':29, 'oran4':33, 'gree1':22, 'gree2':26, 'gree3':30, 'gree4':34, 'blue1':23, 'blue2':27, 'blue3':31, 'blue4':35, 'red1' :24, 'red2' :28, 'red3' :32, 'red4' :36, 'upfill1' : 40, 'upfill2' : 38, 'upfill3' : 37, 'upfill4' : 39, 'cafe1': 15, 'cafe2': 16, 'dream':17, 'xmas':41, } from util import maxes,scaledict FL=100 def fulls(chans): # pass a list or multiple args return dict([(c,FL) for c in chans]) def levs(chans,levs): return dict([(c,v) for c,v in zip(chans,levs)]) # instead of import, we exec to maintain a single namespace the_dir_of_this_module=os.path.dirname(__file__) execfile(os.path.join(the_dir_of_this_module,""))