91 adjust chairs, sitting facing away 11: OK 98 left side, then right side replace finish with circle OK check 04 song ending noise OK talk about spot for solo certainly NOT OK - don't use followspot at all (ever) 07: OK 335 'all' 'that' 'jazz' colors 09: OK intro not flashing enough OK beats 16: wants chases, or color fades 267 is cancan line coming forward 315 one circle around center 327 kicks downstage 138 breakdown, waves of color 11: cut blacklight solo? cover black lights skip song post button *hours 2006-06-16 0800-2230 14.5 2006-06-17 0830-2130 13 2006-06-18 1430-2200 7.5 ------------------- 35 * 2 * 20 *post mortem: bring xmas lights for backstage video add docs about selecting points labels in curvecalc- click to type, and type letters to happen at the current time laptop sound had hum problems, and couldn't handle big sound. spot's MB sound was fine.