#!bin/python """ this is the only process to talk to the dmx hardware. other clients can connect to this server and present dmx output, and this server will max ('pile-on') all the client requests. this server has a level display which is the final set of values that goes to the hardware. clients shall connect to the xmlrpc server and send: their PID (or some other cookie) a length-n list of 0..1 levels which will represent the channel values for the n first dmx channels. server is port 8030; xmlrpc method is called outputlevels(pid,levellist). todo: save dmx on quit and restore on restart if parport fails, run in dummy mode (and make an option for that too) """ from __future__ import division from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server import sys,time,os from optparse import OptionParser import run_local from light9.io import ParportDMX, UsbDMX from light9.updatefreq import Updatefreq from light9 import networking class XMLRPCServe(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def __init__(self,options): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self) self.clientlevels={} # clientID : list of levels self.lastseen={} # clientID : time last seen self.clientfreq={} # clientID : updatefreq self.combinedlevels=[] # list of levels, after max'ing the clients self.clientschanged=1 # have clients sent anything since the last send? self.options=options self.lastupdate=0 # time of last dmx send self.laststatsprint=0 # time # desired seconds between sendlevels() calls self.calldelay=1/options.updates_per_sec print "starting parport connection" self.parportdmx = UsbDMX(dimmers=87, port=options.dmx_device) if os.environ.get('DMXDUMMY',0): self.parportdmx.godummy() else: self.parportdmx.golive() self.updatefreq=Updatefreq() # freq of actual dmx sends self.num_unshown_updates=None self.lastshownlevels=None # start the loop self.sendlevels() # the other loop self.purgeclients() def purgeclients(self): """forget about any clients who haven't sent levels in a while. this runs in a loop""" purge_age=10 # seconds reactor.callLater(1,self.purgeclients) now=time.time() cids = self.lastseen.keys() for cid in cids: lastseen=self.lastseen[cid] if lastseen < now - purge_age: print ("forgetting client %s (no activity for %s sec)" % (cid,purge_age)) try: del self.clientlevels[cid] except KeyError: pass del self.clientfreq[cid] del self.lastseen[cid] def sendlevels(self): """sends to dmx if levels have changed, or if we havent sent in a while""" reactor.callLater(self.calldelay,self.sendlevels) if self.clientschanged: # recalc levels self.calclevels() if (self.num_unshown_updates is None or # first time self.options.fast_updates or # show always (self.combinedlevels!=self.lastshownlevels and # changed self.num_unshown_updates>5)): # not too frequent self.num_unshown_updates=0 self.printlevels() self.lastshownlevels=self.combinedlevels[:] else: self.num_unshown_updates+=1 if time.time()>self.laststatsprint+2: self.laststatsprint=time.time() self.printstats() # used to be a fixed 1 in here, for the max delay between # calls, instead of calldelay if self.clientschanged or time.time() > self.lastupdate + self.calldelay: self.lastupdate=time.time() self.sendlevels_dmx() self.clientschanged=0 # clear the flag def calclevels(self): """combine all the known client levels into self.combinedlevels""" self.combinedlevels=[] for chan in range(0,self.parportdmx.dimmers): x=0 for clientlist in self.clientlevels.values(): if len(clientlist)>chan: # clamp client levels to 0..1 cl=max(0,min(1,clientlist[chan])) x=max(x,cl) self.combinedlevels.append(x) def printlevels(self): """write all the levels to stdout""" print "Levels:","".join(["% 2d "%(x*100) for x in self.combinedlevels]) def printstats(self): """print the clock, freq, etc, with a \r at the end""" sys.stdout.write("dmxserver up at %s, [polls %s] "% (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), str(self.updatefreq), )) for cid,freq in self.clientfreq.items(): sys.stdout.write("[%s %s] " % (cid,str(freq))) sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush() def sendlevels_dmx(self): """output self.combinedlevels to dmx, and keep the updates/sec stats""" # they'll get divided by 100 if self.parportdmx: self.parportdmx.sendlevels([l*100 for l in self.combinedlevels]) self.updatefreq.update() def xmlrpc_echo(self,x): return x def xmlrpc_outputlevels(self,cid,levellist): """send a unique id for your client (name+pid maybe), then the variable-length dmx levellist (scaled 0..1)""" if levellist!=self.clientlevels.get(cid,None): self.clientlevels[cid]=levellist self.clientschanged=1 self.trackClientFreq(cid) return "ok" def xmlrpc_currentlevels(self, cid): """get a list of levels we're currently sending out. All channels beyond the list you get back, they're at zero.""" # if this is still too slow, it might help to return a single # pickled string self.trackClientFreq(cid) trunc = self.combinedlevels[:] i = len(trunc) - 1 if i < 0: return [] while trunc[i] == 0 and i >= 0: i -= 1 if i < 0: return [] trunc = trunc[:i+1] return trunc def trackClientFreq(self, cid): if cid not in self.lastseen: print "hello new client %s" % cid self.clientfreq[cid]=Updatefreq() self.lastseen[cid]=time.time() self.clientfreq[cid].update() parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f","--fast-updates",action='store_true', help=('display all dmx output to stdout instead ' 'of the usual reduced output')) parser.add_option("-r","--updates-per-sec",type='float',default=20, help=('dmx output frequency')) parser.add_option("-d","--dmx-device", default='/dev/dmx0', help='dmx device name') parser.add_option("-n", "--dummy", action="store_true", help="dummy mode, same as DMXDUMMY=1 env variable") (options,songfiles)=parser.parse_args() print options if options.dummy: os.environ['DMXDUMMY'] = "1" port = networking.dmxServer.port print "starting xmlrpc server on port %s" % port reactor.listenTCP(port,server.Site(XMLRPCServe(options))) reactor.run()