then i checked clusterissuer vs issuer, the ns of the 60-auth-cert.yaml resources,
and i often restarted cert-manager and eventually pomerium too. 10-pom-pom.yaml last line
may need to be toggled.
The 'cm-acme-http-solver' ingress for LE comes and goes but i didn't have to force it to exist.
Didn't need 04-gen-secrets-job.yaml
Also, CM says this a lot which means it may be afraid to renew
I1213 07:00:01.946799 1 sync.go:394] cert-manager/controller/ingress-shim "msg"="certificate resource is not owned by this object. refusing to update non-owned certificate resource for object" "related_resource_kind"="Certificate" "related_resource_name"="" "related_resource_namespace"="default" "related_resource_version"="v1" "resource_kind"="Ingress" "resource_name"="registry" "resource_namespace"="default" "resource_version"="v1"