8926 coincident points merged File contains 1 pieces. Bounding box: ------------- xmin = -1.244037, xmax = 1.019999 ymin = -0.759735, ymax = 0.733940 zmin = -0.637563, zmax = 0.637479 File analysis: -------------- Object has: 3456 faces # of faces with n contours: --------------------------- 1 contour : 3456 3456 contours # of contours with n edges: --------------------------- 3 edges : 3456 5188 edges # of edges with n faces: ------------------------ 1 face : 8 even number of faces (manifold or pseudo-manifold) : 5180 1442 vertices # of vertices of order n: ------------------------- order 6 : 1152 order 7 : 4 order 12 : 282 order 13 : 4 Not manifold. Part geometry is not closed prior to vertex merging. Merged 1.019999 -0.000001 -0.432001 with 1.019999 0.000000 -0.432001. Merged 0.980000 -0.000001 -0.432001 with 0.980000 0.000000 -0.432001. 2 points within 0.001000 merged File /tmp/unmatched.9173 exists; no output written to it. File contains 1 pieces. Bounding box: ------------- xmin = -1.244037, xmax = 1.019999 ymin = -0.759735, ymax = 0.733940 zmin = -0.637563, zmax = 0.637479 File analysis: -------------- Object has: 3456 faces # of faces with n contours: --------------------------- 1 contour : 3456 3456 contours # of contours with n edges: --------------------------- 3 edges : 3456 5184 edges # of edges with n faces: ------------------------ even number of faces (manifold or pseudo-manifold) : 5184 1440 vertices # of vertices of order n: ------------------------- order 6 : 1152 order 12 : 288 Part is manifold of genus 145. Total length of edges = 886.588088 Surface total = 10.303620 Volume total = 0.094364 Center of Mass = (0.055753, -0.002014, -0.000835) Part geometry is closed after vertex merging.