also pkg mongo_required like this. video-files needs it
[ ] can't kill uvicorn- add /health check service to everything. And maybe /metrics on a separate port too so they don't serve to the public. see https://gist.github.com/tenuki/ff67f87cba5c4c04fd08d9c800437477 or https://github.com/encode/uvicorn/discussions/1103
A library for python and typescript.
Each of these steps should be a one-liner to set up.
svr = StarletteServer()
svr.serve() # if caller hasn't routed '/', serve auto index
graph = GraphSseClient(url1)
await graph.finishFirstRead()
svr.addGraphRoutes('name1', graph1)
graph = K8sRead(type='Deploy', ns='default', name='deploy1', watch=True)
graph = FromCsv(r: csvReader)
graph = WatchFile(file: Path)
await graph.finishFirstRead()
graph = WatchTree(top: Path)
await graph.finishFirstRead()
graph = PatchableAggregate([graph])
def handler1(stmt, requests): ...
svr.addRdfStatementRoute('/path1', handler1)
def handler2(graph, requests): ...
svr.addGraphInputRoute('/path2', handler2)