@ 1f877950ad28
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/picamserve - annotation
2.4 KiB
new picamserve for raspberry pi camera -> http, especially with crop control
Ignore-this: 38fc34a6eff577c05129df87d6133a95
Ignore-this: 38fc34a6eff577c05129df87d6133a95
1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 1f877950ad28 | #!env_pi/bin/python
from __future__ import division
from run_local import log
import sys;sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/')
import io, logging, traceback
import cyclone.web
from twisted.internet import reactor
from light9 import prof
import picamera
cameraCls = picamera.PiCamera
except ImportError:
class cameraCls(object):
def __enter__(self): return self
def __exit__(self): pass
def capture(self, out, *a, **kw):
def getFrame(c, arg):
res = int(arg('res', 480))
c.resolution = {
480: (640, 480),
1080: (1920, 1080),
1944: (2592, 1944),
c.shutter_speed = int(arg('shutter', 50000))
c.exposure_mode = arg('exposure_mode', 'fixedfps')
c.awb_mode = arg('awb_mode', 'off')
c.brightness = int(arg('brightness', 50))
c.awb_gains = (float(arg('redgain', 1)), float(arg('bluegain', 1)))
c.crop = (float(arg('x', 0)), float(arg('y', 0)),
float(arg('w', 1)), float(arg('h', 1)))
rw = rh = int(arg('resize', 100))
# width 1920, showing w=.3 of image, resize=100 -> scale is 100/.3*1920
# scl is [ output px / camera px ]
scl1 = rw / (c.crop[2] * c.resolution[0])
scl2 = rh / (c.crop[3] * c.resolution[1])
if scl1 < scl2:
# width is the constraint; reduce height to the same scale
rh = int(scl1 * c.crop[3] * c.resolution[1])
# height is the constraint
rw = int(scl2 * c.crop[2] * c.resolution[0])
c.ISO = int(arg('iso', 250))
out = io.BytesIO('w')
prof.logTime(c.capture)(out, 'jpeg', use_video_port=True, resize=(rw, rh))
return out.getvalue()
class Pic(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.set_header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
self.write(getFrame(, self.get_argument))
except Exception:
with cameraCls() as camera:
port = 8001
reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
(r'/pic', Pic),
(r'/static/(.*)', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'static/'}),
(r'/(|gui.js)', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'light9/vidref/',
'default_filename': 'index.html'}),
], debug=True, camera=camera))"serving on %s" % port)