Files @ 1f877950ad28
Branch filter:

Location: light9/bin/picamserve

Drew Perttula
new picamserve for raspberry pi camera -> http, especially with crop control
Ignore-this: 38fc34a6eff577c05129df87d6133a95
from __future__ import division
from run_local import log
import sys;sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/')
import io, logging, traceback
import cyclone.web
from twisted.internet import reactor
from light9 import prof

    import picamera
    cameraCls = picamera.PiCamera
except ImportError:
    class cameraCls(object):
        def __enter__(self): return self
        def __exit__(self): pass
        def capture(self, out, *a, **kw):

def getFrame(c, arg):
    res = int(arg('res', 480))
    c.resolution = {
        480: (640, 480),
        1080: (1920, 1080),
        1944: (2592, 1944),
    c.shutter_speed = int(arg('shutter', 50000))
    c.exposure_mode = arg('exposure_mode', 'fixedfps')
    c.awb_mode = arg('awb_mode', 'off')
    c.brightness = int(arg('brightness', 50))
    c.awb_gains = (float(arg('redgain', 1)), float(arg('bluegain', 1)))
    c.crop = (float(arg('x', 0)), float(arg('y', 0)),
              float(arg('w', 1)), float(arg('h', 1)))
    rw = rh = int(arg('resize', 100))
    # width 1920, showing w=.3 of image, resize=100 -> scale is 100/.3*1920
    # scl is [ output px / camera px ]
    scl1 = rw / (c.crop[2] * c.resolution[0])
    scl2 = rh / (c.crop[3] * c.resolution[1])
    if scl1 < scl2:
        # width is the constraint; reduce height to the same scale
        rh = int(scl1 * c.crop[3] * c.resolution[1])
        # height is the constraint
        rw = int(scl2 * c.crop[2] * c.resolution[0])
    c.ISO = int(arg('iso', 250))
    out = io.BytesIO('w')
    prof.logTime(c.capture)(out, 'jpeg', use_video_port=True, resize=(rw, rh))
    return out.getvalue()

class Pic(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
            self.set_header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
            self.write(getFrame(, self.get_argument))
        except Exception:

with cameraCls() as camera:
    port = 8001
    reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
        (r'/pic', Pic),
        (r'/static/(.*)', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'static/'}),
        (r'/(|gui.js)', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'light9/vidref/',
                                                 'default_filename': 'index.html'}),
        ], debug=True, camera=camera))"serving on %s" % port)