@ 9eed31bf435b
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Location: light9/show/dance2011/readme - annotation
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Ignore-this: c563c907cd47045323e6c7f673f4db95
Ignore-this: c563c907cd47045323e6c7f673f4db95
42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a d2fab3dc0a0e 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 42eae412571a 4787d81686f9 42eae412571a 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 7283437fea51 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 881a8b3b4ba0 881a8b3b4ba0 881a8b3b4ba0 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 881a8b3b4ba0 881a8b3b4ba0 4f7edcd756f8 4f7edcd756f8 4f7edcd756f8 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 4f7edcd756f8 4f7edcd756f8 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 4f7edcd756f8 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 38a17186ef35 4f7edcd756f8 9eed31bf435b 4f7edcd756f8 9eed31bf435b | leftover software todo from last year:
OK vidref should have a time slider
OK factor out music dir so it can be different per machine
- all settings should be in RDF and live-shared across all apps, maybe with anzo for updates
- asco should have GUI for picking which sound output you want, and store the setting
- vidref should have snapshot button for taking pics of the stage
- bring mini tripod or beanbag for the vidref camera
- more remote contol stuff
- vidref adjustable crop to the stage aspect
- vidref should have an 'in progress' row to prove that it's recording something new
- remote-run GUIs should say what machine they're on. Or, everyone should say what RDF server it's talking tox
- scrub inside curvecalc, preview a video in it
- bring curvecalc's logging inside the GUI window
- asco stops considerably after the autostop time (according to curvecalc)
- vidref's replay 'enabled' button should be completely sticky across sessions
- audio process pipeline; RDF graph should track versions of songs (padded, normalized)
- subcomposter needs refresh
500W bulbs
white tape for labels
500W bulbs
AA batts
vidref raise for musicScale race condition
video follows *mouse* as you move around in CC (music cursor does not
move unless you ask)
ascoltami web ui should be able to set the pulseaudio routing of the
music to internal laptop or external usb
let us use chan name anywhere we can use sub name
8 - mix to mono
CC don't let you make a curve name with non-python-identifier chars in it. flatten - to _
12 ending is super loud
13 start with a chase?
port vidref to store pics in mongodb gridfs
consider doing all the lighting from seats in the house, with wifi or
ethernet or dmx+audio to the booth
pay attention to levels between songs in medlies, not just the
per-dance normalization
make curtain warmer
turn off lcd to fix the audio buzz
direct net
kill unnecessary daemons
show 2011:
big trouble with music player stopping at the end time, instead of
resetting to zero. then i ran the next curvecalc and it brought lights
on between songs. we worked around it by playing the next song and
then pausing it before it got to 4sec.
looks like the magic .2 sec threshold in might not be
working. that should be a proper gstreamer event at the real end
blacklight in 15 didn't seem to work
got through 16 songs until the sliders disconnected from KC, leaving
the solo special on until i could grab the mouse and take it
out. worked around this by restarting a zeroed-out KC so it
reconnected to sliders. i am still getting no error messages anywhere
for this slider failure. maybe i can constantly ping the sliders
16 goes briefly to black at 323!
16 the color and back chases that last until 512, those are really
extreme and long, when the theater is all dark. we should have been
stricter about dark theater during the day
CC bug: new subterms don't make the subterm area scroll right.
vidref segfaults sometimes for no reason, and usually at exit.