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after song3, lights stayed on.
song4 has colors before start because effect-5 missing env. fixed this during the song in the show!
clicking different parts of a song button doesn't work.
realized at showtime that i made the mic fader and light slider 6' apart. very hard.
because of rdfdb stalls, cyc got left on a little at the start of a song. i had turned it to 0, but that last step didn't get distributed, i think.
song15 had a spare env +1.0 for testing or something, which made colors between songs. fixed it just before the song started.
song17 had a 2013 sub instead of 2014, not sure how. fixed when i saw errors between songs. no visual impact.
but then the cyc got stuck on again.
after song4 there was a bogus curve spike after the song range which
caused a flicker of UV leds after the curtain closed. mostly looked
like someone with an odd camera flash.
next year look at RGB strips (without individual led control), of
which we could buy a lot and cover the stage above and below.
blacklight leds (with blues to help) are ok. at least 2x would be good.
LED strips didn't get used a lot because they were too hard to
incorporate and especially to test. need the 'every channel is an effect' changes for that, so strips can be tested like everrthing else.
lack of overhead and backlight instruments lost a lot of looks that we've had before. leds might work for those.