@ f066d6e874db
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/subcomposer - annotation
11.0 KiB
2to3 with these fixers: all idioms set_literal
Ignore-this: cbd28518218c2f0ddce8c4f92d3b8b33
Ignore-this: cbd28518218c2f0ddce8c4f92d3b8b33
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278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 | b5efddd80dad 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 f066d6e874db 5c04a54df635 5c04a54df635 321fc6150ee3 5c04a54df635 5c04a54df635 5c04a54df635 2c782ca93e73 f066d6e874db f066d6e874db 5442f5d8979a ce4fffe8e413 dcab422615ca 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 0923efae4588 167a61d3cfbf 9dd2baa41cca 6fa4288da8a6 f140153c087c f987eb9c3672 f987eb9c3672 6fa4288da8a6 f987eb9c3672 f987eb9c3672 65f0179a9254 bf728997bfde 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 bf728997bfde bf728997bfde 321fc6150ee3 6885c2fa9369 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 bf728997bfde 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 7772cc48e016 f29788d1c8c9 1a84c5e83d3e ce4fffe8e413 f29788d1c8c9 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 1a84c5e83d3e dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 4b3d7e8ba24a 1a84c5e83d3e 4b3d7e8ba24a 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 bf728997bfde bf728997bfde f987eb9c3672 7772cc48e016 f987eb9c3672 bf728997bfde dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 4b3d7e8ba24a 167a61d3cfbf dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca f066d6e874db 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca 7772cc48e016 dcab422615ca dcab422615ca c20c2eea6fce 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 167a61d3cfbf 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 f066d6e874db f066d6e874db bf728997bfde 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 321fc6150ee3 92c6e4b6cabb 321fc6150ee3 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 1a84c5e83d3e 4b9997ab0e4f 4b9997ab0e4f 4b9997ab0e4f ce8a71fab284 e09e3d1d83d5 e09e3d1d83d5 e09e3d1d83d5 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 e09e3d1d83d5 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 321fc6150ee3 92c6e4b6cabb 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 ce8a71fab284 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 92c6e4b6cabb dcab422615ca dcab422615ca dcab422615ca 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 ce8a71fab284 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 167a61d3cfbf 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 167a61d3cfbf 321fc6150ee3 6885c2fa9369 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 2c782ca93e73 a6662d61ebcd 7772cc48e016 f066d6e874db 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 2c782ca93e73 7772cc48e016 1a84c5e83d3e 5442f5d8979a 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 5442f5d8979a 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 65f0179a9254 bf728997bfde 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 2c782ca93e73 321fc6150ee3 2c782ca93e73 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 321fc6150ee3 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 8b307310cc1b 4b9997ab0e4f 4b9997ab0e4f f29788d1c8c9 2c782ca93e73 2c782ca93e73 4b9997ab0e4f 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 1a84c5e83d3e 1a84c5e83d3e 6885c2fa9369 6885c2fa9369 1a84c5e83d3e a38955ba6f40 f29788d1c8c9 ce4fffe8e413 7772cc48e016 7772cc48e016 4e558643c952 f29788d1c8c9 7772cc48e016 ce4fffe8e413 | #!bin/python
observable(currentSub), a Submaster which tracks the graph
EditChoice widget
can change currentSub to another sub
Levelbox widget
watch observable(currentSub) for a new sub, and also watch currentSub for edits to push to the OneLevel widgets
OneLevel widget
UI edits are caught here and go all the way back to currentSub
from run_local import log
import time, logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import tkinter as tk
import louie as dispatcher
from twisted.internet import reactor, tksupport, task
from rdflib import URIRef, RDF, RDFS, Literal
from light9.dmxchanedit import Levelbox
from light9 import dmxclient, Submaster, prof, showconfig, networking
from light9.Patch import get_channel_name
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat
from rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9 import clientsession
from light9.tkdnd import initTkdnd
from light9.namespaces import L9
from rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.observable import Observable
from light9.editchoice import EditChoice, Local
from light9.subcomposer import subcomposerweb
class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
<session> l9:currentSub ?sub is the URI of the sub we're tied to for displaying and
editing. If we don't have a currentSub, then we're actually
editing a session-local sub called <session> l9:currentSub <sessionLocalSub>
I'm not sure that Locals should even be PersistentSubmaster with
uri and graph storage, but I think that way is making fewer
special cases.
Contains an EditChoice widget
graph (?session :currentSub ?s) -> self.currentSub
self.currentSub -> graph
self.currentSub -> self._currentChoice (which might be Local)
self._currentChoice (which might be Local) -> self.currentSub
inside the current sub:
graph -> Submaster levels (handled in Submaster)
Submaster levels -> OneLevel widget
OneLevel widget -> Submaster.editLevel
Submaster.editLevel -> graph (handled in Submaster)
def __init__(self, master, graph, session):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
self.graph = graph
self.session = session
self.launchTime = time.time()
self.localSerial = 0
# this is a URIRef or Local. Strangely, the Local case still
# has a uri, which you can get from
# self.currentSub.uri. Probably that should be on the Local
# object too, or maybe Local should be a subclass of URIRef
self._currentChoice = Observable(Local)
# this is a PersistentSubmaster (even for local)
self.currentSub = Observable(
Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, self.switchToLocal()))
def pc(val):"change viewed sub to %s", val)
ec = self.editChoice = EditChoice(self, self.graph, self._currentChoice)
ec.subIcon.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.clickSubIcon)
def clickSubIcon(self, *args):
box = tk.Toplevel(self.editChoice.frame)
tk.Label(box, text="Name this sub:").pack()
e = tk.Entry(box)
b = tk.Button(box, text="Make global")
def clicked(*args):
b.bind("<Button-1>", clicked)
def makeGlobal(self, newName):
"""promote our local submaster into a non-local, named one"""
uri = self.currentSub().uri
newUri = showconfig.showUri() + ("/sub/%s" %
urllib.parse.quote(newName, safe=''))
with self.graph.currentState(tripleFilter=(uri, None, None)) as current:
if (uri, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster']) not in current:
raise ValueError("%s is not a local submaster" % uri)
if (newUri, None, None) in current:
raise ValueError("new uri %s is in use" % newUri)
# the local submaster was storing in ctx=self.session, but now
# we want it to be in ctx=uri
self.relocateSub(newUri, newName)
# these are in separate patches for clarity as i'm debugging this
(newUri, RDFS.label, Literal(newName), newUri),
(newUri, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'], newUri),
self.graph.patchObject(self.session, self.session, L9['currentSub'],
def relocateSub(self, newUri, newName):
# maybe this goes in Submaster
uri = self.currentSub().uri
def repl(u):
if u == uri:
return newUri
return u
delQuads = self.currentSub().allQuads()
addQuads = [(repl(s), p, repl(o), newUri) for s, p, o, c in delQuads]
# patch can't span contexts yet
self.graph.patch(Patch(addQuads=addQuads, delQuads=[]))
self.graph.patch(Patch(addQuads=[], delQuads=delQuads))
def setupSubChoiceLinks(self):
graph = self.graph
def ann():
print("currently: session=%s currentSub=%r _currentChoice=%r" % (
self.session, self.currentSub(), self._currentChoice()))
def graphChanged():
# some bug where SC is making tons of graph edits and many
# are failing. this calms things down.
log.warn('skip graphChanged')
s = graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSub'])
log.debug('HANDLER getting session currentSub from graph: %s', s)
if s is None:
s = self.switchToLocal()
self.currentSub(Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, s))
def subChanged(newSub):
log.debug('HANDLER currentSub changed to %s', newSub)
if newSub is None:
graph.patchObject(self.session, self.session, L9['currentSub'],
graph.patchObject(self.session, self.session, L9['currentSub'],
localStmt = (newSub.uri, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'])
with graph.currentState(tripleFilter=localStmt) as current:
if newSub and localStmt in current:
log.debug(' HANDLER set _currentChoice to Local')
# i think right here is the point that the last local
# becomes garbage, and we could clean it up.
log.debug(' HANDLER set _currentChoice to newSub.uri')
dispatcher.connect(self.levelsChanged, "sub levels changed")
def choiceChanged(newChoice):
log.debug('HANDLER choiceChanged to %s', newChoice)
if newChoice is Local:
newChoice = self.switchToLocal()
if newChoice is not None:
newSub = Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, newChoice)
log.debug('write new choice to currentSub, from %r to %r',
self.currentSub(), newSub)
def levelsChanged(self, sub):
if sub == self.currentSub():
def switchToLocal(self):
change our display to a local submaster
# todo: where will these get stored, or are they local to this
# subcomposer process and don't use PersistentSubmaster at all?
localId = "%s-%s" % (self.launchTime, self.localSerial)
self.localSerial += 1
new = URIRef("" % localId)
log.debug('making up a local sub %s', new)
(new, RDF.type, L9['Submaster'], self.session),
(new, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'], self.session),
return new
def setupLevelboxUi(self):
self.levelbox = Levelbox(self, self.graph, self.currentSub)
text="All to zero",
command=lambda *args: self.currentSub().clear()).pack(side='top')
def savenewsub(self, subname):
leveldict = {}
for i, lev in zip(list(range(len(self.levels))), self.levels):
if lev != 0:
leveldict[get_channel_name(i + 1)] = lev
s = Submaster.Submaster(subname, levels=leveldict)
def sendupdate(self):
d = self.currentSub().get_dmx_list()
dmxclient.outputlevels(d, twisted=True)
def launch(opts, args, root, graph, session):
if not opts.no_geometry:
toplevelat("subcomposer - %s" % opts.session, root, graph, session)
sc = Subcomposer(root, graph, session)
subcomposerweb.init(graph, session, sc.currentSub)
text="Bindings: B1 adjust level; B2 set full; B3 instant bump",
font="Helvetica -12 italic",
anchor='w').pack(side='top', fill='x')
if len(args) == 1:
# it might be a little too weird that cmdline arg to this
# process changes anything else in the same session. But also
# I'm not sure who would ever make 2 subcomposers of the same
# session (except when quitting and restarting, to get the
# same window pos), so maybe it doesn't matter. But still,
# this tool should probably default to making new sessions
# usually instead of loading the same one
graph.patchObject(session, session, L9['currentSub'], URIRef(args[0]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [suburi]")
help="don't save/restore window geometry")
parser.add_option('-v', action='store_true', help="log debug level")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if opts.v else logging.INFO)
root = tk.Tk()
initTkdnd(, 'tkdnd/trunk/')
graph = SyncedGraph(networking.rdfdb.url, "subcomposer")
session = clientsession.getUri('subcomposer', opts)
graph.initiallySynced.addCallback(lambda _: launch(opts, args, root, graph,
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', reactor.stop)
tksupport.install(root, ms=10), profile=False)