Changeset - 4556eebe5d73
topdir reorgs; let pdm have its src/ dir; separate vite area from light9/
273 files changed with 7 insertions and 9 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
file renamed from bin/bcf_puppet_demo to bin/attic/bcf_puppet_demo |
file renamed from bin/captureDevice to bin/attic/captureDevice |
file renamed from bin/curvecalc_all_subterms to bin/attic/curvecalc_all_subterms |
file renamed from bin/ to bin/attic/ |
file renamed from bin/effectListing to bin/attic/effectListing |
file renamed from bin/effecteval to bin/attic/effecteval |
file renamed from bin/ to bin/attic/ |
file renamed from bin/inputquneo to bin/attic/inputquneo |
file renamed from bin/keyboardcomposer to bin/attic/keyboardcomposer |
file renamed from bin/load_test_rdfdb to bin/attic/load_test_rdfdb |
file renamed from bin/mpd_timing_test to bin/attic/mpd_timing_test |
file renamed from bin/paintserver to bin/attic/paintserver |
file renamed from bin/patchserver to bin/attic/patchserver |
file renamed from bin/picamserve to bin/attic/picamserve |
file renamed from bin/ to bin/attic/ |
file renamed from bin/staticclient to bin/attic/staticclient |
file renamed from bin/subcomposer to bin/attic/subcomposer |
file renamed from bin/ to bin/attic/ |
file renamed from bin/vidrefsetup to bin/attic/vidrefsetup |
file renamed from bin/webcontrol to bin/attic/webcontrol |
file renamed from bin/clientdemo to bin/debug/clientdemo |
file renamed from bin/ to bin/debug/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ascoltami/ to src/light9/ascoltami/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/collector/ to src/light9/collector/ |
file renamed from light9/cursor1.xbm to src/light9/cursor1.xbm |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/curvecalc/ to src/light9/curvecalc/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/ to src/light9/effect/sequencer/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/web/Light9SequencerUi.ts to src/light9/effect/sequencer/web/Light9SequencerUi.ts |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/web/index.html to src/light9/effect/sequencer/web/index.html |
file renamed from light9/effect/sequencer/web/vite.config.ts to src/light9/effect/sequencer/web/vite.config.ts |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effect/ to src/light9/effect/ |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/ to src/light9/effecteval/ |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/effect-components.html to src/light9/effecteval/effect-components.html |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/ to src/light9/effecteval/ |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/effect.html to src/light9/effecteval/effect.html |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/ to src/light9/effecteval/ |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/ to src/light9/effecteval/ |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/index.html to src/light9/effecteval/index.html |
file renamed from light9/effecteval/ to src/light9/effecteval/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/homepage/ to src/light9/homepage/ |
file renamed from light9/homepage/ to src/light9/homepage/ |
file renamed from light9/io/Makefile to src/light9/io/Makefile |
file renamed from light9/io/ to src/light9/io/ |
file renamed from light9/io/motordrive to src/light9/io/motordrive |
file renamed from light9/io/parport.c to src/light9/io/parport.c |
file renamed from light9/io/parport.i to src/light9/io/parport.i |
file renamed from light9/io/serport.i to src/light9/io/serport.i |
file renamed from light9/io/ to src/light9/io/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/midifade/ to src/light9/midifade/ |
file renamed from light9/midifade/ to src/light9/midifade/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/paint/ to src/light9/paint/ |
file renamed from light9/paint/ to src/light9/paint/ |
file renamed from light9/paint/ to src/light9/paint/ |
file renamed from light9/paint/ to src/light9/paint/ |
file renamed from light9/rdfdb/ to src/light9/rdfdb/ |
file renamed from light9/rdfdb/ to src/light9/rdfdb/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/subcomposer/ to src/light9/subcomposer/ |
file renamed from light9/subcomposer/index.html to src/light9/subcomposer/index.html |
file renamed from light9/subcomposer/ to src/light9/subcomposer/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/gui.js to src/light9/vidref/gui.js |
file renamed from light9/vidref/index.html to src/light9/vidref/index.html |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/setup.html to src/light9/vidref/setup.html |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/ to src/light9/vidref/ |
file renamed from light9/vidref/vidref.html to src/light9/vidref/vidref.html |
file renamed from light9/vidref/vidref.ui to src/light9/vidref/vidref.ui |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/webcontrol.html to src/light9/webcontrol.html |
file renamed from light9/ to src/light9/ |
file renamed from light9/web/AutoDependencies.ts to web/AutoDependencies.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/EditChoice.ts to web/EditChoice.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/Light9CursorCanvas.ts to web/Light9CursorCanvas.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/RdfDbChannel.ts to web/RdfDbChannel.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/RdfdbSyncedGraph.ts to web/RdfdbSyncedGraph.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/ResourceDisplay.ts to web/ResourceDisplay.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/SyncedGraph.ts to web/SyncedGraph.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/TiledHome.ts to web/TiledHome.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/ascoltami/Light9AscoltamiUi.ts to web/ascoltami/Light9AscoltamiUi.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/ascoltami/index.html to web/ascoltami/index.html |
file renamed from light9/web/ascoltami/main.ts to web/ascoltami/main.ts |
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file renamed from light9/web/collector/index.html to web/collector/index.html |
file renamed from light9/web/colorpick_crosshair_large.svg to web/colorpick_crosshair_large.svg |
file renamed from light9/web/colorpick_crosshair_small.svg to web/colorpick_crosshair_small.svg |
file renamed from light9/web/colorpick_rainbow_large.png to web/colorpick_rainbow_large.png |
Show images
file renamed from light9/web/colorpick_rainbow_small.png to web/colorpick_rainbow_small.png |
Show images
file renamed from light9/web/edit-choice-demo.html to web/edit-choice-demo.html |
file renamed from light9/web/ to web/ |
file renamed from light9/web/edit-choice_test.html to web/edit-choice_test.html |
file renamed from light9/web/effects/Light9EffectListing.ts to web/effects/Light9EffectListing.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/effects/index.html to web/effects/index.html |
file renamed from light9/web/fade/Light9EffectFader.ts to web/fade/Light9EffectFader.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/fade/Light9FadeUi.ts to web/fade/Light9FadeUi.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/fade/Light9Fader.ts to web/fade/Light9Fader.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/fade/index.html to web/fade/index.html |
file renamed from light9/web/floating_color_picker.ts to web/floating_color_picker.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/ to web/ |
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file renamed from light9/web/lib/onecolor.d.ts to web/lib/onecolor.d.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/parse-prometheus-text-format.d.ts to web/lib/parse-prometheus-text-format.d.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/sylvester.d.ts to web/lib/sylvester.d.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/MIT-LICENSE.txt to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/MIT-LICENSE.txt |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/ to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/ |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/Jcrop.gif to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/Jcrop.gif |
Show images
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/jquery.Jcrop.css to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/jquery.Jcrop.css |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/jquery.Jcrop.min.css to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/css/jquery.Jcrop.min.css |
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file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.Jcrop.js to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.Jcrop.js |
file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js |
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file renamed from light9/web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.min.js to web/lib/tapmodo-Jcrop-1902fbc/js/jquery.min.js |
file renamed from light9/web/light9-collector-client.html to web/light9-collector-client.html |
file renamed from light9/web/light9-color-picker.ts to web/light9-color-picker.ts |
file renamed from light9/web/light9-color-picker_test.html to web/light9-color-picker_test.html |
file renamed from light9/web/ to web/ |
file renamed from light9/web/light9-music.html to web/light9-music.html |
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file renamed from light9/web/light9-vidref-live.js to web/light9-vidref-live.js |
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file renamed from light9/web/metrics/StatsProcess.ts to web/metrics/StatsProcess.ts |
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Show images
file renamed from light9/web/paint/bg2.jpg to web/paint/bg2.jpg |
Show images
file renamed from light9/web/paint/bg3.jpg to web/paint/bg3.jpg |
Show images
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file renamed from light9/web/paint/ to web/paint/ |
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file renamed from light9/web/paint/paint-report-elements.html to web/paint/paint-report-elements.html |
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file renamed from light9/web/resource-display_test.html to web/resource-display_test.html |
file renamed from light9/web/show_specific.ts to web/show_specific.ts |
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file renamed from light9/web/timeline/ to web/timeline/ |
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file renamed from light9/web/timeline2/index.html to web/timeline2/index.html |
file renamed from light9/web/timeline2/package.json to web/timeline2/package.json |
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)