Changeset - f8b5cb5fbeed
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
dmcc - 22 years ago 2003-07-09 03:59:40

- CueFader is hopefully done:
- CueFader is hopefully done:
- The TimedGoButton accepts a wheel to change the times. You can also
enter times directly.
- TimedGoButton really has a default starting time of 2 now. (there was
a variable attached to the wrong widget before)
- We send DMX levels with dmxclient now.
- Autoload Times is a new option.
- We load times from the next cue if Autoload Times is true.
- Time predictions in the LabelledScale are slightly better. You still
can change the time of an active fade.
- Cue cache and DMX level computing now have their own functions, which
get called at (hopefully) All The Right Times.
- There are even some docs now!
- Cues: sub_level parsing is better, will only throw out one line if
it encounters problems (instead of the rest of the cue)
- CueList: lots of 0 vs. None bugs fixed.
- TkCueList: stores a reference to the controlling fader so it can alert
it about changed cues.
- CueEditron: You can edit sub_levels now.
- cuelist1 was edited, checking it in for consistency's sake
2 files changed with 167 insertions and 82 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Tix as Tk
import time
from TreeDict import TreeDict, allow_class_to_be_pickled
from TLUtility import enumerate
import Submaster
import Submaster, dmxclient

cue_state_indicator_colors = {
             # bg       fg
@@ -75,19 +75,30 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
        self.button.pack(fill='both', expand=1, side='left')

        self.timer_var = Tk.DoubleVar()
        self.timer_entry = Tk.Control(self, step=0.5, min=0, integer=0)
        self.timer_entry.entry.configure(textvariable=self.timer_var, width=5, 
            bg='black', fg='white')
        self.timer_entry = Tk.Control(self, step=0.5, min=0, integer=0, 
            variable=self.timer_var, selectmode='immediate')
        for widget in (self.timer_entry, self.timer_entry.entry, 
            self.timer_entry.incr, self.timer_entry.decr, self.button, self):
            widget.bind("<4>", self.wheelscroll)
            widget.bind("<5>", self.wheelscroll)
        self.timer_entry.entry.configure(width=5, bg='black', fg='white')
        self.timer_entry.pack(fill='y', side='left')
        self.disabled = (self.button['state'] == 'disabled')
        self.fading = 0
    def wheelscroll(self, event):
        """Mouse wheel increments or decrements timer."""
        if event.num == 4: # scroll up
        else:            # scroll down
    def start_fade(self, end_level=1):
            fade_time = float(self.timer_var.get())
        except ValueError:
            # since we use a control now, i don't think we need to worry about
            # validation any more.
            print "can't fade -- bad time"
            print ">>> Can't fade -- bad time", self.timer_var.get()

        self.start_time = time.time()
@@ -130,8 +141,11 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, cuelist):
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.cuelist = cuelist
        self.auto_shift = Tk.IntVar()

        self.last_levels_sent = 0
        self.current_dmx_levels = [0] * 68
        self.after(0, self.send_dmx_levels_loop) # start DMX sending loop

        # this is a mechanism to stop Tk from autoshifting too much.
        # if this variable is true, the mouse button is down.  we don't want
@@ -150,12 +164,24 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            fg='white', bg='blue')

        self.auto_shift = Tk.IntVar()

        self.auto_shift_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(topframe, 
            variable=self.auto_shift, text='Autoshift', 
            command=self.toggle_autoshift, bg='black', fg='white',
        self.auto_shift_checkbutton.pack(fill='both', side='left')

        self.auto_load_times = Tk.IntVar()

        self.auto_load_times_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(topframe, 
            variable=self.auto_load_times, text='Autoload Times', 
            command=self.toggle_autoshift, bg='black', fg='white', 
        self.auto_load_times_checkbutton.pack(fill='both', side='left')

        self.set_next_button = Tk.Button(topframe, text='Set Next',
            command=lambda: cuelist.set_selection_as_next(),
            fg='white', bg='red')
@@ -188,6 +214,8 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

            scale.scale_var.trace('w', \
                lambda x, y, z, name=name, scale=scale: self.xfade(name, scale))
                lambda x, y, z, scale=scale: scale.update_value_label())

            def button_press(event, name=name, scale=scale):
                self.no_shifts_until_release = 1 # prevent shifts until release
@@ -198,8 +226,48 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonPress>", button_press)
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", button_release)
        faderframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)

        self.current_dir = 'Next'
        self.cues_as_subs = {}
    def reload_cue_times(self):
        prev, cur, next = self.cuelist.get_current_cues()
    def update_cue_cache(self):
        """Rebuilds subs from the current cues.  As this is expensive, we don't
        do it unless necessary (i.e. whenever we shift or a cue is edited)"""
        # load the subs to fade between
        for cue, name in zip(self.cuelist.get_current_cues(), 
                             ('Prev', 'Cur', 'Next')):
            self.cues_as_subs[name] = cue.get_levels_as_sub()
    def compute_dmx_levels(self):
        """Compute the DMX levels to send.  This should get called whenever the
        DMX levels could change: either during a crossfade or when a cue is
        edited.  Since this is called when we know that a change might occur,
        we will send the new levels too."""
        cur_sub = self.cues_as_subs.get('Cur')
        if cur_sub:
            scale = self.scales[self.current_dir]
            scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 

            other_sub = self.cues_as_subs[self.current_dir]
            current_levels_as_sub = cur_sub.crossfade(other_sub, scale_val)
            self.current_dmx_levels = current_levels_as_sub.get_dmx_list()
    def send_dmx_levels(self):
        # print "send_dmx_levels", self.current_dmx_levels
        self.last_levels_sent = time.time()
    def send_dmx_levels_loop(self):
        diff = time.time() - self.last_levels_sent
        if diff >= 2: # too long since last send
            self.after(200, self.send_dmx_levels_loop)
            self.after(int((2 - diff) * 100), self.send_dmx_levels_loop)
    def get_scale_desc(self, val, name):
        """Returns a description to the TimedGoButton"""
        go_button = self.go_buttons.get(name)
        if go_button:
            time = go_button.get_time()
@@ -221,11 +289,9 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
        self.cuelist.shift((-1, 1)[name == 'Next'])

        # now load the subs to fade between
        for cue, name in zip(self.cuelist.get_current_cues(), 
                             ('Prev', 'Cur', 'Next')):
            self.cues_as_subs[name] = cue.get_levels_as_sub()
        print "cues_as_subs", self.cues_as_subs
        if self.auto_load_times.get():
    def autoshift(self, name, scale):
        scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 

@@ -254,13 +320,8 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

        cur_sub = self.cues_as_subs.get('Cur')
        if cur_sub:
            other_sub = self.cues_as_subs[name]
            # print 'fade between %s and %s (%.2f)' % (cur_sub, other_sub, scale_val)
            self.current_levels_as_sub = cur_sub.crossfade(other_sub, scale_val)
            print "current levels", self.current_levels_as_sub.get_dmx_list()
            # print
        self.current_dir = name
    def opposite_direction(self, d):
        if d == 'Next':
            return 'Prev'
@@ -282,19 +343,17 @@ class Cue:
        will reload the submasters from disk, combine all subs together, and
        then compute the normalized form."""
        subdict = {}
            print self, self.sub_levels
            for line in self.sub_levels.split(','):
        for line in self.sub_levels.split(','):
                line = line.strip()
                # print 'line', line
                if not line: 
                sub, scale = line.split(':')
                # print 'sub', sub, 'scale', scale
                sub = sub.strip()
                scale = float(scale)
                subdict[sub] = scale
            # print 'subdict', subdict
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            print "parsing error when computing sub for", self
            except ValueError:
                print "Parsing error for '%s' in %s" % (self.sub_levels, self)

        s = Submaster.Submasters()
        newsub = Submaster.sub_maxes(*[s[sub] * scale 
@@ -347,23 +406,27 @@ class CueList:
    def set_prev(self, index):
        self.prev_pointer = index
    def bound_index(self, index):
        if not self.cues:
        if not self.cues or index < 0:
            return None
            return max(0, min(index, len(self.cues) - 1))
            return min(index, len(self.cues) - 1)
    def get_current_cue_indices(self):
        """Returns a list of the indices of three cues: the previous cue,
        the current cue, and the next cue."""
        cur = self.current_cue_index
        return [self.bound_index(index) for index in
                    (self.prev_pointer or cur - 1, 
                     self.next_pointer or cur + 1)]
    def get_current_cues(self):
        """Returns a list of three cues: the previous cue, the current cue,
        and the next cue."""
        return [self.get_cue_by_index(index) 
            for index in self.get_current_cue_indices()]
    def get_cue_by_index(self, index):
        if index:
            return self.cues[self.bound_index(index)]
        except TypeError:
            return empty_cue
    def __del__(self):

@@ -379,9 +442,11 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, filename):
        CueList.__init__(self, filename)
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.fader = None
        self.edit_tl = Tk.Toplevel()
        self.editor = CueEditron(self.edit_tl, changed_callback=self.redraw_cue)
        self.editor = CueEditron(self.edit_tl, 
        self.editor.pack(fill='both', expand=1)

        def edit_cue(index):
@@ -411,13 +476,16 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
        for count, cue in enumerate(self.cues):
            self.display_cue(count, cue)
    def set_fader(self, fader):
        self.fader = fader
    def wheelscroll(self, evt):
        """Perform mouse wheel scrolling"""
        amount = 2
        if evt.num == 4:
        if evt.num == 4: # scroll down
            amount = -2
        else:            # scroll up
            amount = 2
        self.hlist.yview('scroll', amount, 'units')
    def redraw_cue(self, cue):
    def cue_changed(self, cue):
        path = self.cues.index(cue)
        for col, header in enumerate(self.columns):
@@ -429,6 +497,10 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
                self.cue_label_windows[path]['text'] = text
                self.hlist.item_configure(path, col, text=text)

        if cue in self.get_current_cues() and self.fader:
    def display_cue(self, path, cue):
        for col, header in enumerate(self.columns):
@@ -452,6 +524,8 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
        """If cue_indices is None, we'll reset all of them."""
        cue_indices = cue_indices or self.cue_label_windows.keys()
        for key in cue_indices:
            if key is None:
            window = self.cue_label_windows[key]
            window.configure(fg='white', bg='black')
    def update_cue_indicators(self):
@@ -459,6 +533,8 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
                     ('prev', 'cur', 'next')))

        for count, state in states.items():
            if count is None:
            window = self.cue_label_windows[count]
            bg, fg = cue_state_indicator_colors[state]
            window.configure(bg=bg, fg=fg)
@@ -469,7 +545,8 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
        # try to see all indices, but next takes priority over all, and cur
        # over prev
        for index in self.get_current_cue_indices():
            if index is not None:
    def select_callback(self, index):
        new_next = int(index)
@@ -514,7 +591,8 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):
    def setup_editing_forms(self):
        self.variables = {}
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 
            lab = Tk.Label(self, text=field, fg='white', bg='black')
            lab.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nsew')

@@ -537,7 +615,8 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):
        self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
    def fill_in_cue_info(self):
        self.enable_callbacks = 0
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 
            text = ''
            if self.cue:
Show inline comments
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@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
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@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
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@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@
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@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
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@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
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@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
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@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
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@@ -93,68 +93,74 @@
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
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        <attr name="time" type="string" value="19" />
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)