diff --git a/www/index.jade b/www/index.jade
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/index.jade
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+doctype html
+ head
+ title light9
+ meta(charset='utf8')
+ link(rel='Stylesheet', href='style.css')
+ link(href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.css", rel="stylesheet")
+ body
+ h1 Light9 theater lighting control system
+ section
+ h2 About
+ p
+ | Light9 is a suite of tools for playing music and controlling DMX theater lighting.
+ img(src='overview.svg', style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.69)")
+ p
+ | Old wiki page (2005). lightsim.
+ section
+ h2 Code
+ p
+ | Main repo is in
+ |
+ a(href="https://bigasterisk.com/darcs/?r=light9;a=summary")
+ img(src="//bigasterisk.com/darcs/darcs.png", style="width: 17px; vertical-align: middle;")
+ | darcs
+ | . There is a mirror at
+ |
+ a(href="https://github.com/drewp/light9")
+ i.fa.fa-github
+ | github
+ | .
+ section
+ h2 Changelog
+ section
+ h3 2014
+ p New effect system: demo video 1
+ p Notes for the next redesign, which is mostly for accepting more controller input at once (QuNeo and BCF2000) and making it faster to create and edit effects.
+ p A test of the new curve editor, which needs to display 50+ curves at once and zoom them smoothly. Click in the body to start a zooming animation test.
+ p Test of effect preview (from this UI sketch) showing expressions with their inputs and outputs represented as curve and color timelines. Drag a constant to change it.
+ section
+ h3 2013
+ p RDF patches are passed between all components for live updates. Knockoutjs-style auto dependency tracking arranges for GUI updates to happen whenever data changes.
+ section
+ h3 2012
+ section
+ h3 2011
+ section
+ h3 2010
+ section
+ h3 2009
+ section
+ h3 2008
+ section
+ h3 2007
+ p Use RDF for config.
+ section
+ h3 2006
+ section
+ h3 2005
+ section
+ h3 2004
+ section
+ h3 2003
+ section
+ h3 2002
+ p CVS versioning started here
+ section.project
+ h2 Project
+ p Written by Drew Perttula and David McClosky.