Drew Perttula home page
resume and biographies
Obsidian notes marked 'public'
See archives and also these:
- live updating RDF graph
- blockstack augmented reality game
- boards.ie streamgraph contest entry
- Home automation projects
- netbars traffic analyzer
- Python date convert
- Tahoe storage illustration for Tahoe-LAFS
- tropeGraph tvtropes + boingy graph
- loud game
- speakerphone
- light9 theater lighting control
Other domains with partially baked projects:
- https://megasecond.club game
https://williamperttula.com internet marketing professor
https://iveseenyoubefore.com device id tracker
- https://quickwitretort.com toys
- https://whatsplayingnext.com movie showtimes
- https://whopickedthis.com P2P recommendations