import logging, warnings
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from os import path, getenv
from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib import URIRef
from namespaces import MUS, L9
log = logging.getLogger('showconfig')
_config = None # graph
def getGraph():
warnings.warn("code that's using showconfig.getGraph should be "
"converted to use the sync graph", stacklevel=2)
global _config
if _config is None:
graph = Graph()
# note that logging is probably not configured the first time
# we're in here
warnings.warn("reading n3 files around %r" % root())
for f in FilePath(root()).globChildren("*.n3") + FilePath(root()).globChildren("build/*.n3"):
graph.parse(location=f.path, format='n3')
_config = graph
return _config
def root():
r = getenv("LIGHT9_SHOW")
if r is None:
raise OSError(
"LIGHT9_SHOW env variable has not been set to the show root")
return r
_showUri = None
def showUri():
"""Return the show URI associated with $LIGHT9_SHOW."""
global _showUri
if _showUri is None:
_showUri = URIRef(file(path.join(root(), 'URI')).read().strip())
return _showUri
def songOnDisk(song):
"""given a song URI, where's the on-disk file that mpd would read?"""
graph = getGraph()
root = graph.value(showUri(), L9['musicRoot'])
if not root:
raise ValueError("%s has no :musicRoot" % showUri())
name = graph.value(song, L9['songFilename'])
if not name:
raise ValueError("Song %r has no :songFilename" % song)
return path.abspath(path.join(root, name))
def songFilenameFromURI(uri):
'' -> 'song8'
everything that uses this should be deprecated for real URIs
assert isinstance(uri, URIRef)
return uri.split('/')[-1]
def getSongsFromShow(graph, show):
playList = graph.value(show, L9['playList'])
if not playList:
raise ValueError("%r has no l9:playList" % show)
# The patch in fixed a
# serious bug here.
songs = list(graph.items(playList))
return songs
def curvesDir():
return path.join(root(),"curves")
def subFile(subname):
return path.join(root(),"subs",subname)
def subsDir():
return path.join(root(),'subs')