Files @ 08a2fcf5eea1
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2008/patch.n3
prepare patch, and write a new cwm rule (instead of the patch2n3 convertor from before)
#Processed by Id:,v 1.190 2006/08/09 23:20:42 syosi Exp 
        #    using base file:///my/proj/light9/show/dance2008/patch-source.n3
#  Notation3 generation by
#,v 1.191 2006/08/01 01:14:04 syosi Exp

#   Base was: file:///my/proj/light9/show/dance2008/patch-source.n3
     @prefix : <> .
    @prefix ch: <> .
    @prefix dmx: <> .
    @prefix rdfs: <> .
    ch:b11     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c54;
         rdfs:label "b11" .
    ch:b12     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c53;
         rdfs:label "b12" .
    ch:b13     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c52;
         rdfs:label "b13" .
    ch:b14     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c51;
         rdfs:label "b14" .
    ch:b15     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c50;
         rdfs:label "b15" .
    ch:b16     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c49;
         rdfs:label "b16" .
    ch:b21     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c55;
         rdfs:label "b21" .
    ch:b22     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c56;
         rdfs:label "b22" .
    ch:b23     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c57;
         rdfs:label "b23" .
    ch:b24     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c58;
         rdfs:label "b24" .
    ch:b25     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c59;
         rdfs:label "b25" .
    ch:b26     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c60;
         rdfs:label "b26" .
    ch:b31     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c61;
         rdfs:label "b31" .
    ch:b32     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c62;
         rdfs:label "b32" .
    ch:b33     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c63;
         rdfs:label "b33" .
    ch:b34     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c64;
         rdfs:label "b34" .
    ch:b35     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c65;
         rdfs:label "b35" .
    ch:b36     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c66;
         rdfs:label "b36" .
    ch:blacklight     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c15;
         rdfs:label "blacklight" .
    ch:blue1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c23;
         rdfs:label "blue1" .
    ch:blue2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c27;
         rdfs:label "blue2" .
    ch:blue3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c31;
         rdfs:label "blue3" .
    ch:blue4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c35;
         rdfs:label "blue4" .
    ch:cyc     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c44;
         rdfs:label "cyc" .
    ch:down-c     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c18;
         rdfs:label "down-c" .
    ch:down-cr     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c16;
         rdfs:label "down-cr" .
    ch:down-l     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c13;
         rdfs:label "down-l" .
    ch:down-r     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c14;
         rdfs:label "down-r" .
    ch:front1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c1;
         rdfs:label "front1" .
    ch:front10     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c10;
         rdfs:label "front10" .
    ch:front11     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c11;
         rdfs:label "front11" .
    ch:front12     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c12;
         rdfs:label "front12" .
    ch:front2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c2;
         rdfs:label "front2" .
    ch:front3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c3;
         rdfs:label "front3" .
    ch:front4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c4;
         rdfs:label "front4" .
    ch:front5     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c5;
         rdfs:label "front5" .
    ch:front6     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c6;
         rdfs:label "front6" .
    ch:front7     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c7;
         rdfs:label "front7" .
    ch:front8     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c8;
         rdfs:label "front8" .
    ch:front9     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c9;
         rdfs:label "front9" .
    ch:gree1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c22;
         rdfs:label "gree1" .
    ch:gree2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c26;
         rdfs:label "gree2" .
    ch:gree3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c30;
         rdfs:label "gree3" .
    ch:gree4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c34;
         rdfs:label "gree4" .
    ch:house     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c68;
         rdfs:label "house" .
    ch:oran1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c21;
         rdfs:label "oran1" .
    ch:oran2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c25;
         rdfs:label "oran2" .
    ch:oran3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c29;
         rdfs:label "oran3" .
    ch:oran4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c33;
         rdfs:label "oran4" .
    ch:post-l     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c45;
         rdfs:label "post-l" .
    ch:post-r     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c46;
         rdfs:label "post-r" .
    ch:red1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c24;
         rdfs:label "red1" .
    ch:red2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c28;
         rdfs:label "red2" .
    ch:red3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c32;
         rdfs:label "red3" .
    ch:red4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c36;
         rdfs:label "red4" .
    ch:strobedim     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c20;
         rdfs:label "strobedim" .
    ch:stroberate     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c19;
         rdfs:label "stroberate" .
    ch:up-l     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c40;
         rdfs:label "up-l" .