Files @ 1241e61fcf74
Branch filter:

Location: light9/doc/naming
old math bug where KC was sending to collector as fast as it could (100fps)
Ignore-this: 4541336057ab4c892c79d648f46c6f43

DM DP Name
-1 -1 Nodiverse
-0 -1 Nodity or "Hardcore Nodity"
+0 -1 Noditivity
-1 +0 Lightland
+0 +1 everything's under control (EVAC would be a funny abbrev, but it doesn't
            work - maybe EVerything's Unda Control)
+0 -1 Nodeworks
-1 +0 OpenNode, FreeNode, etc.
      OpenDMX (for DMXd maybe)