@ 16c771461cde
Branch filter:
Location: light9/light8/
3.7 KiB
attempt to fix zoom corruption when CC song changes, but this didn't work
Ignore-this: 819c2ecbb657cae8ca4c4bd7e32c3486
Ignore-this: 819c2ecbb657cae8ca4c4bd7e32c3486
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 | #!/usr/bin/python
from Subs import *
from Patch import *
from types import TupleType
from Config import patch, subs
import re
import Patch
subusage = {}
# colors = 'ROGBVndcihs'
colors = 'ndcihs'
color_chart = {
'1-01' : 'ROYd', # broadway (morning - afternoon)
'1-02' : 'i', # int. mission
'1-03' : 'R', # phone booth
'1-04' : 'RBVh', # hotbox
'1-05' : 'RBd', # off broadway
'1-06' : 'ROYd', # ext. mission
'1-07' : 'ROYn', # gambler intro, off broadway
'1-08' : 'ROBIVc', # havana, clubs
'1-09' : 'ROYBIVc', # havana, outside, night
'1-10' : 'BVn', # ext. mission, night (4am)
'2-01' : 'RBIVh', # hotbox
'2-02' : 'RBn', # more can i wish you
'2-03' : 'GBs', # sewer (crap game)
'2-04' : 'Bn', # sue me
'2-05' : 'i', # int. mission
'2-06' : '', # marry
'2-07' : 'd', # broadway finale
scene_names = {
'1-01' : 'broadway (morning to afternoon)',
'1-02' : 'int. mission',
'1-03' : 'phone booth',
'1-04' : 'hotbox',
'1-05' : 'guys and dolls (off broadway)',
'1-06' : 'ext. mission, lunch time',
'1-07' : 'gambler intro, off broadway',
'1-08' : 'havana, clubs',
'1-09' : 'havana, outside, night',
'1-10' : 'ext. mission, night (4am)',
'2-01' : 'hotbox',
'2-02' : 'more can i wish you',
'2-03' : 'sewer (crap game)',
'2-04' : 'sue me',
'2-05' : 'rock the boat (int. mission)',
'2-06' : 'marry (trav)',
'2-07' : 'finale (broadway)',
sub_to_scene = {}
# blacklist is a list of *prefixes* to light names that won't be shown
blacklist = 'god upfill red blue cyc oran sidefill'.split()
blacklist.extend(['side l','side r'])
for subname, levdict in subs.items():
if type(subname) == TupleType:
subname = subname[0]
oldname = subname
subname = re.sub(r'\*(\d-\d+)-.*', r'\1', subname)
if oldname == subname: continue
sub_to_scene[oldname] = subname
subname = oldname # restore 'em. restore 'em good.
if not levdict:
print "Warning: %s is useless (empty sub)." % subname
for ch, lev in levdict.items():
if lev:
ch = resolve_name(ch)
subusage.setdefault(ch, [])
subusage[ch].append((lev, subname))
def twist(l):
return [(b,a) for a,b in l]
def format_usage(ch, usage):
if max([ch.startswith(pre) for pre in blacklist]):
# usage.reverse()
print "======= %s ======= (%d uses)" % (ch, len(usage))
if 1:
use_str = ''
for lev, sub in usage:
if lev>30:
if sub_to_scene[sub] in color_chart:
subcolors = color_chart[sub_to_scene[sub]]
col_str = ''
for c in colors:
if c in subcolors: col_str += c
else: col_str += ' '
print col_str,
print ' ' * len(colors),
scenename = scene_names.get(sub_to_scene[sub], '')
print ' %3d %-20s\t%-30s %s' % (lev, levbar,sub, scenename)
use_str = '\n '.join(["%d\t%s" % (lev, sub) for lev, sub in usage])
print ' ' + use_str
subitems = subusage.items()
for ch, usage in subitems:
if 0:
usedict = {}
for lev, subname in usage: # remove duplicates
usedict[subname] = max(lev, usedict.get(subname, 0))
newusage = [(lev, sub) for sub, lev in usedict.items()]
format_usage(ch, newusage)
format_usage(ch, usage)