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<h2>light9 in 2008</h2>


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<h1>light9 in 2008</h1>
<h3>Drew Perttula</h3>

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  <h1>Existing system</h1>
From my June 2005 presentation:

               (play cmds)
    ascoltami --------------> mpd ----------> audio out
        | (timing)
    curvecalc    subcomposer    keyboardcomposer
        |            |                 |
        +---         |             ----+
            \-----   |    --------/
                     | (light levels)
                    | (dmx levels)
          ......... v ....................
          .      entec open dmx          .
          .         | (dmx)              . external hardware
          .         v                    .
          .      dmx dimmer              .
          .         | (juice)            .
          .         v                    .
          .      light                   .


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  <h1>External libraries</h1>
    <li>Twisted - event loop and networking, xmlrpc</li>
    <li>tk, tix</li>
    <li>pympd - my twisted interface to mpd</li>
    <li>louie - signals</li>
    <li>mpd - music player daemon</li>

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  <h1>What's new: real sliders</h1>
  <img src="bcf2000-desk1.jpg"/>
    <li>$200 board with 8 motorized faders (plus knobs, lights, and buttons)</li>
    <li>Talks midi or usb-midi</li>
    <li>Python/linux driver is easy: </li>
    <pre> = open("/dev/snd/midiC1D0")
 b0, which, value = [ord(b) for b in] + chr(which[0]) + chr(int(value)))</pre>

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  <h1>What's new: RDF for most data storage</h1>
  <li>Old system: ad-hoc text files. Never do this.</li>
  <li>Now: most files are RDF data (saved as .n3 or ntriples)</li>

  complex data structures (objects with types and attributes, attrs, lists, sets, references between files)
  use DSLs to abbreviate boring parts

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  <h1>What's new: lightsim</h1>
    <li>We could really use a good way to preview scenes</li>
    <li>Lighting follows the superposition principle</li>
    <li>Original version from 2002: Tk, PIL</li>
    <li>Current version: qt, OpenGL</li>

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<h1>Related projects</h1>

