Files @ 342f7d1c7561
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Location: light9/light8/slidermapping

The FlyingFader will accept keyboard values and fade to them over 1.5
The FlyingFader will accept keyboard values and fade to them over 1.5
seconds. Combinations of control and alt change that speed. RMB
also creates a fade and LMB will cancel them. Colors are pretty
and informative. Fades can be created manually with the newfade()
1-00 opening	*curtain	house	god	*1-01-0
1-01	*1-01-0	*1-01-9 end conversations	*1-02-0	*interscene
1-01-parts	*1-01-0	*1-01-0-justback	*1-01-0-justright	*1-01-0-sarah
1-02	*1-02-0	*1-02-1 desk solo	*1-03-0	*interscene
1-03	*1-03-0	*1-04-00-dance	*1-04-01 dark tables	*interscene
1-04	*1-04-00-dance	*1-04-01 dark tables	*1-04-02 solo ada	*1-04-10-after dance
1-04 - 2	*1-04-02 solo ada	*1-04-10-after dance	*1-04-20-table	*1-04-30-small table
1-04 -3, I.5, I.6	*1-04-30-small table	*1-05-0	*1-06-0	*interscene
1-06, I.7	*1-06-0	*1-07-0	*1-08-00-left cafe	*interscene
1-08 cuba intro	*1-08-00-left cafe	*1-08-10-right cafe	*1-08-10-centerwalk	*1-08-10-rightwalk
1-08 cuba travopen	*1-08-30-full	*1-08-10-right cafe	*1-08-20-backdrop	*1-08-10-rightwalk
1-10 - intermission	*1-10-0	*curtain	house	*2-01-0-dance
2-00 intermission	*curtain	house	god	*2-01-0-dance
2-01	*2-01-0-dance	*2-01-01-solo	*2-01-1-after dance	*2-01-1-darker dance
2-03 luck	*2-03-20-luck-l	*2-03-20-luck-c	*2-03-20-luck-r	*2-03-20-luckcover
2-03 start	*2-03-00-open dance	*2-03-10-dialogue	god	*2-03-20-luckcover
2-05	*2-05-0	*2-05-1-dream	*2-05-2-boat	*interscene
2-06	*2-06-0	patio right	patio left	*interscene
colors	col blue	col gree	col oran	col red
vitals	house	god	*curtain	*interscene