file persistence could be just another client with deliberate huge
latency to save on disk writes?
server master
per-client shadow
client shadow
client master
client edits write to clientmaster. client also reads from there.
When the last update is done,
graph: (s1 p1 o1)
client1 writes a loose patch: del (s1 p1 *), add (s1 p1 o2)
client2 gets in another loose patch first: del (s1 p1 *), add (s1 p1 o3)
on the server, we make an invertible patch: del (s1 p1 o1), add (s1 p1 o2)
then another invertible patch: del (s1 p1 o2), add (s1 p1 o3)
some clients need this patch: del (s1 p1 o1), add (s1 p1 o3)
client1 needs this patch: del (s1 p1 o1), add (s1 p1 o2)
graph: ()
client1 writes a patch: add (s1, p1, o1)
client2 writes a patch: add (s1, p1, o1)
on the server, client2's patch is rewritten to no-op.