Files @ 5c4d6be0f0fe
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2014/playlist.n3

Drew Perttula
mostly fix color-picker
Ignore-this: 69439cfab532bc39c097eef090cbfddb
@prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

show:dance2014 :musicRoot "show/dance2014/music/pad" .

show:dance2014 :playList (
  sh:song1  sh:song2  sh:song3  sh:song4  sh:song5
  sh:song6  sh:song7  sh:song8  sh:song9  sh:song10
  sh:song11 sh:song12 sh:song13 sh:song14 sh:song15
  sh:song16 sh:song17
) .

sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label  "01 opening countdown";             :songFilename "01-countdown-trim.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label  "02 specialty tap";                 :songFilename "02-hatandcane-resample.wav" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label  "03 working nine to five";          :songFilename "03-mix.wav" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label  "04 tappin happy";                  :songFilename "04-tappin_happy.wav" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label  "05 when i'm sixty-four";           :songFilename "05-whenim64-trim.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label  "06 'twenty-two'";                  :songFilename "06-taylor22-fix-trim.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label  "07 chorus line 'one'";             :songFilename "07-mix.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label  "08 rock around the clock";         :songFilename "08-mix.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label  "09 tea for two";                   :songFilename "09-teafor2-trim.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10 forty-second st";              :songFilename "10-42ndst-wav.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11 sixteen going on seventeen";    :songFilename "11-mix.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12 specialty tap";                 :songFilename "12-5678-trim.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13 ABC";                           :songFilename "13-abc-trim.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14 mambo #five";                   :songFilename "14-mix.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15 brittany one-two-three";        :songFilename "15-123-trim.wav" .
sh:song16 a :Song; rdfs:label "16 #one hits";                     :songFilename "16-mix.wav" .
sh:song17 a :Song; rdfs:label "17 finale: seventy-six trompones"; :songFilename "17-mix.wav" .

# wavecurve should probably be responsible for making these when it
# makes the curve files.
sh:song1 :curve sh:song1music, sh:song1smooth_music. sh:song1music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song1-music" . sh:song1smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song1-smooth_music" .
sh:song2 :curve sh:song2music, sh:song2smooth_music. sh:song2music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song2-music" . sh:song2smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song2-smooth_music" .
sh:song3 :curve sh:song3music, sh:song3smooth_music. sh:song3music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song3-music" . sh:song3smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song3-smooth_music" .
sh:song4 :curve sh:song4music, sh:song4smooth_music. sh:song4music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song4-music" . sh:song4smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song4-smooth_music" .
sh:song5 :curve sh:song5music, sh:song5smooth_music. sh:song5music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song5-music" . sh:song5smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song5-smooth_music" .
sh:song6 :curve sh:song6music, sh:song6smooth_music. sh:song6music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song6-music" . sh:song6smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song6-smooth_music" .
sh:song7 :curve sh:song7music, sh:song7smooth_music. sh:song7music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song7-music" . sh:song7smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song7-smooth_music" .
sh:song8 :curve sh:song8music, sh:song8smooth_music. sh:song8music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song8-music" . sh:song8smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song8-smooth_music" .
sh:song9 :curve sh:song9music, sh:song9smooth_music. sh:song9music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song9-music" . sh:song9smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song9-smooth_music" .
sh:song10 :curve sh:song10music, sh:song10smooth_music. sh:song10music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song10-music" . sh:song10smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song10-smooth_music" .
sh:song11 :curve sh:song11music, sh:song11smooth_music. sh:song11music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song11-music" . sh:song11smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song11-smooth_music" .
sh:song12 :curve sh:song12music, sh:song12smooth_music. sh:song12music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song12-music" . sh:song12smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song12-smooth_music" .
sh:song13 :curve sh:song13music, sh:song13smooth_music. sh:song13music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song13-music" . sh:song13smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song13-smooth_music" .
sh:song14 :curve sh:song14music, sh:song14smooth_music. sh:song14music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song14-music" . sh:song14smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song14-smooth_music" .
sh:song15 :curve sh:song15music, sh:song15smooth_music. sh:song15music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song15-music" . sh:song15smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song15-smooth_music" .
sh:song16 :curve sh:song16music, sh:song16smooth_music. sh:song16music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song16-music" . sh:song16smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song16-smooth_music" .
sh:song17 :curve sh:song17music, sh:song17smooth_music. sh:song17music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song17-music" . sh:song17smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song17-smooth_music" .