Files @ 5e905ff44e84
Branch filter:

Location: light9/bin/kcclient
CC now suports statprof profiling, and every other profile() call is now broken
Ignore-this: bc7c31af6598e7c132d2f847afe8de68
#!/usr/bin/env python

"""send KeyboardComposer a fade request, for use from the shell"""

import sys
import run_local
from restclient import Resource
from light9 import networking

subname = sys.argv[1]
level = sys.argv[2]
fadesecs = '0'
if len(sys.argv)>3:
    fadesecs = sys.argv[3]

levelServer = Resource(networking.keyboardComposer.url)'fadesub', subname=subname, level=level, secs=fadesecs)