Files @ 60e559cb1a5e
Branch filter:

Location: light9/light9/collector/

Drew Perttula
collector now runs the device function even on devs that have no settings, in case they have some fixed output values (e.g. light mode)
Ignore-this: f13d891964f1a3274f63a52684b4c896
import unittest
import datetime, time
from freezegun import freeze_time
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef

from light9.namespaces import L9, DEV
from light9.collector.collector import Collector, outputMap
from light9.rdfdb.mock_syncedgraph import MockSyncedGraph

UDMX = Namespace('')
DMX0 = Namespace('')

PREFIX = '''
   @prefix : <> .
        @prefix dev: <> .
        @prefix udmx: <> .
        @prefix dmx0: <> .

        :brightness         a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .

        :SimpleDimmer a :DeviceClass;
          :deviceAttr :brightness;
            [ :outputAttr :level; :dmxOffset 0 ] .
        :ChauvetColorStrip a :DeviceClass;
          :deviceAttr :color;
            [ :outputAttr :mode;  :dmxOffset 0 ],
            [ :outputAttr :red;   :dmxOffset 1 ],
            [ :outputAttr :green; :dmxOffset 2 ],
            [ :outputAttr :blue;  :dmxOffset 3 ] .


t0 = 0 # time

class MockOutput(object):
    def __init__(self, uri, connections):
        self.connections = connections
        self.updates = []
        self.uri = uri
        self.numChannels = 4

    def allConnections(self):
        return self.connections

    def update(self, values):

    def flush(self):

@unittest.skip("outputMap got rewritten and mostly doesn't raise on these cases")
class TestOutputMap(unittest.TestCase):
    def testWorking(self):
        out0 = MockOutput(UDMX, [(0, DMX0['c1'])])
        m = outputMap(MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + '''
          dmx0:c1 :connectedTo dev:inst1Brightness .
          dev:inst1 a :Device; :brightness dev:inst1Brightness .
        '''), [out0])
        self.assertEqual({(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness']): (out0, 0)}, m)
    def testMissingOutput(self):
        out0 = MockOutput(UDMX, [(0, DMX0['c1'])])
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, outputMap, MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + '''
          dev:inst1 a :Device; :brightness dev:inst1Brightness .
        '''), [out0])

    def testMissingOutputConnection(self):
        out0 = MockOutput(UDMX, [(0, DMX0['c1'])])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, outputMap, MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + '''
          dev:inst1 a :Device; :brightness dev:inst1Brightness .
        '''), [out0])

    def testMultipleOutputConnections(self):
        out0 = MockOutput(UDMX, [(0, DMX0['c1'])])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, outputMap, MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + '''
          dmx0:c1 :connectedTo dev:inst1Brightness .
          dmx0:c2 :connectedTo dev:inst1Brightness .
          dev:inst1 a :Device; :brightness dev:inst1Brightness .
        '''), [out0])

class TestCollector(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.config = MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + THEATER + '''

        dev:colorStrip a :Device, :ChauvetColorStrip;
          :dmxUniverse udmx:; :dmxBase 1;
          :red dev:colorStripRed;
          :green dev:colorStripGreen;
          :blue dev:colorStripBlue;
          :mode dev:colorStripMode .

        dev:inst1 a :Device, :SimpleDimmer;
          :dmxUniverse dmx0:; :dmxBase 1;
          :level dev:inst1Brightness .

        self.dmx0 = MockOutput(DMX0[None], [(0, DMX0['c1'])])
        self.udmx = MockOutput(UDMX[None], [(0, UDMX['c1']),
                                      (1, UDMX['c2']),
                                      (2, UDMX['c3']),
                                      (3, UDMX['c4'])])

    def testRoutesColorOutput(self):
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#00ff00')], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[215, 0, 255, 0], 'flush'], self.udmx.updates)
        self.assertEqual([[0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.dmx0.updates)

    def testOutputMaxOfTwoClients(self):
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#ff0000')], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client2', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#333333')], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[215, 255, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 255, 51, 51], 'flush'],
        self.assertEqual([[0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush', [0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'],

    def testClientOnSameOutputIsRememberedOverCalls(self):
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#080000')], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client2', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#060000')], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#050000')], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[215, 8, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 8, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 6, 0, 0], 'flush'],
        self.assertEqual([[0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'],

    def testClientsOnDifferentOutputs(self):
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#aa0000')], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client2', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5)], t0)

        # ok that udmx is flushed twice- it can screen out its own duplicates
        self.assertEqual([[215, 170, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 170, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.udmx.updates)
        self.assertEqual([[0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.dmx0.updates)

    def testNewSessionReplacesPreviousOutput(self):
        # opposed to getting max'd with it
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .8)], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess2', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5)], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[204, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.dmx0.updates)

    def testNewSessionDropsPreviousSettingsOfOtherAttrs(self):
        c = Collector(MockSyncedGraph(PREFIX + THEATER + '''

        dev:colorStrip a :Device, :ChauvetColorStrip;
          :dmxUniverse udmx:; :dmxBase 1;
          :red dev:colorStripRed;
          :green dev:colorStripGreen;
          :blue dev:colorStripBlue;
          :mode dev:colorStripMode .

        dev:inst1 a :Device, :SimpleDimmer;
          :dmxUniverse dmx0:; :dmxBase 0;
          :level dev:inst1Brightness .
        '''), outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#ff0000')], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess2',
                   [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#00ff00')], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[215, 255, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 0, 255, 0], 'flush'], self.udmx.updates)

    def testClientIsForgottenAfterAWhile(self):
        with freeze_time( as ft:
            c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])
            c.setAttrs('cli1', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5)],
            # this max's with cli1's value so we still see .5
            c.setAttrs('cli2', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .2)], 
            # now cli1 is forgotten, so our value appears
            c.setAttrs('cli2', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .4)], 
            self.assertEqual([[127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                              [127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                              [102, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'],

    def testClientUpdatesAreNotMerged(self):
        # second call to setAttrs forgets the first
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])
        t0 = time.time()
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5)], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [(DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], 1)], t0)
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [(DEV['colorStrip'], L9['color'], '#00ff00')], t0)

        self.assertEqual([[215, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [215, 0, 255, 0], 'flush'],
        self.assertEqual([[127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [255, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [0, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'],

    def testRepeatedAttributesInOneRequestGetResolved(self):
        c = Collector(self.config, outputs=[self.dmx0, self.udmx])
        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [
            (DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5),
            (DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .3),
        ], t0)
        self.assertEqual([[127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.dmx0.updates)

        c.setAttrs('client1', 'sess1', [
            (DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .3),
            (DEV['inst1'], L9['brightness'], .5),
        ], t0)
        self.assertEqual([[127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush',
                          [127, 0, 0, 0], 'flush'], self.dmx0.updates)