Files @ 69ca2b2fc133
Branch filter:

Location: light9/web/
overcomplicated attempt at persisting the pane layout in the rdf graph

this was hard because we have to somehow wait for the graph to load before config'ing the panes
log = debug('music')

# port of light9/curvecalc/
coffeeElementSetup(class Music extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-music",
    status: { type: String, notify: true }
    statusTitle: { type: String, notify: true }
    turboSign: { type: String, notify: true }
    duration: { type: Number, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    # It does not yet work to write back to the playing/t
    # properties. See seekPlayOrPause.
    playing: { type: Boolean, notify: true }
    t: { type: Number, notify: true }
  ready: ->
    @turboUntil = 0
    setInterval(@estimateTimeLoop.bind(@), 30)

  onError: (e) ->
    req = @$.getTime.lastRequest
    @status = "✘"
    @statusTitle = "GET "+req.url+ " -> " + req.status + " " + req.statusText
    setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), 2000)
  estimateTimeLoop: ->
    if @playing
      @t = @remoteT + ( - @remoteAsOfMs) / 1000
      @t = @remoteT
  poll: ->
    if not @$?.getTime?
      setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), 200)
    clearTimeout(@nextPoll) if @nextPoll
    @status = "♫"
  onResponse: ->
    @status = " "
    @lastResponse = @$.getTime.lastResponse
    now =
    if !@lastResponse.playing && @lastResponse.t != @remoteT
      # likely seeking in another tool
      @turboUntil = now + 1000
    if now < @turboUntil
      @turboSign = "⚡"
      delay = 20
      @turboSign = " "
      delay = 700
    @nextPoll = setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), delay)
    @duration = @lastResponse.duration
    @playing = @lastResponse.playing
    @song =

    @remoteT = @lastResponse.t
    @remoteAsOfMs = now

  seekPlayOrPause: (t) ->
    @$.seek.body = {t: t}
    @turboUntil = + 1000