Files @ 6c4981f61bf8
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2014/effectClass.n3

Drew Perttula
subserver inserts effects with envelope curves
Ignore-this: 2209ad8a0b93b78719bb5347aea5557e
@prefix : <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# when these are inserted, a curve called 'env' will be added to this
# code, so multiply by that. Also if you mention 'music' anywhere, an
# output 'music' will be set to the current song.

effect:cycFlash a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "cycFlash";
  :code "out = <> * nsin(t*2)" .

effect:cycToMusic a :EffectClass; rdfs:label "cyc to music";
:code "out = <> * music * env" .

effect:blacklight a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "blacklight";
    "env = <>",
    "out = [env * p1, env * p2, env * p3, env * p4]",
    "p1 = env * <> * .5",
    "p2 = Strip.solid('R', (0,0,1))",
    "p3 = Strip.solid('L', (0,0,1))",
    "p4 = Blacklight(1)" 

effect:whiteLed a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "whiteLed";
  :code "out = Strip.solid('LR', (1,1,1))" .