Files @ 6ce00faec207
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2004/curves/03mix-flash

Drew Perttula
move sequentialUri to the graph lib
Ignore-this: 3dc3fb4833a23a46b8cfea90788f25be
-3.95624891962 0.0
5.39885335638 0.0
8.4914491501 0.323529411765
12.5891385768 0.0
14.581 0.25
14.681 0.5
14.741 0.75
15.001 1.0
15.641 0.75
15.741 0.5
15.901 0.25
19.141 1.0
20.521 0.75
20.641 0.5
21.301 0.25
24.9595217517 0.0
50.2414923653 1.0
100.103302116 0.980392156863
100.334984119 0.0
102.113489382 0.0
107.628618548 0.0
126.081106783 0.676470588235
134.337442868 0.598039215686
137.389148712 1.0
151.651202555 1.0
152.842 0.5
175.822 0.25
177.843 0.5
178.502 0.75
179.162 1.0
180.442 0.25
180.823423771 0.0882352941176
181.469 0.0
189.833535004 0.0