@ 6fa4288da8a6
Branch filter:
Location: light9/light9/
12.9 KiB
rdfdb is its own package now
Ignore-this: 6b0b51464911b955687fefe6454fb91b
Ignore-this: 6b0b51464911b955687fefe6454fb91b
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import os, logging, time
from rdflib import Graph, RDF
from rdflib import RDFS, Literal, BNode
from light9.namespaces import L9, XSD
from light9.TLUtility import dict_scale, dict_max
from light9 import showconfig
from light9.Patch import resolve_name, get_dmx_channel, get_channel_uri, reload_data
from louie import dispatcher
from rdfdb.patch import Patch
log = logging.getLogger('submaster')
class Submaster(object):
"""mapping of channels to levels"""
def __init__(self, name, levels):
"""this sub has a name just for debugging. It doesn't get persisted.
See PersistentSubmaster.
levels is a dict
""" = name
self.levels = levels
self.temporary = True
if not self.temporary:
# obsolete
dispatcher.connect(log.error, 'reload all subs')
#log.debug("%s initial levels %s",, self.levels)
def _editedLevels(self):
def set_level(self, channelname, level, save=True):
self.levels[resolve_name(channelname)] = level
def set_all_levels(self, leveldict):
for k, v in leveldict.items():
# this may call _editedLevels too many times
self.set_level(k, v, save=0)
def get_levels(self):
return self.levels
def no_nonzero(self):
return all(v == 0 for v in self.levels.itervalues())
def __mul__(self, scalar):
return Submaster("%s*%s" % (, scalar),
levels=dict_scale(self.levels, scalar))
__rmul__ = __mul__
def max(self, *othersubs):
return sub_maxes(self, *othersubs)
def __add__(self, other):
return self.max(other)
def ident(self):
return (, tuple(sorted(self.levels.items())))
def __repr__(self):
items = getattr(self, 'levels', {}).items()
levels = ' '.join(["%s:%.2f" % item for item in items])
return "<'%s': [%s]>" % (getattr(self, 'name', 'no name yet'), levels)
def __cmp__(self, other):
# not sure how useful this is
if not isinstance(other, Submaster):
return -1
return cmp(self.ident(), other.ident())
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.ident())
def get_dmx_list(self):
leveldict = self.get_levels() # gets levels of sub contents
levels = []
for k, v in leveldict.items():
if v == 0:
dmxchan = get_dmx_channel(k) - 1
except ValueError:
log.error("error trying to compute dmx levels for submaster %s"
if dmxchan >= len(levels):
levels.extend([0] * (dmxchan - len(levels) + 1))
levels[dmxchan] = max(v, levels[dmxchan])
return levels
def normalize_patch_names(self):
"""Use only the primary patch names."""
# possibly busted -- don't use unless you know what you're doing
def get_normalized_copy(self):
"""Get a copy of this sumbaster that only uses the primary patch
names. The levels will be the same."""
newsub = Submaster("%s (normalized)" %, {})
return newsub
def crossfade(self, othersub, amount):
"""Returns a new sub that is a crossfade between this sub and
another submaster.
NOTE: You should only crossfade between normalized submasters."""
otherlevels = othersub.get_levels()
keys_set = {}
for k in self.levels.keys() + otherlevels.keys():
keys_set[k] = 1
all_keys = keys_set.keys()
xfaded_sub = Submaster("xfade", {})
for k in all_keys:
linear_fade(self.levels.get(k, 0),
otherlevels.get(k, 0),
return xfaded_sub
class PersistentSubmaster(Submaster):
def __init__(self, graph, uri):
if uri is None:
raise TypeError("uri must be URIRef")
self.graph, self.uri = graph, uri
Submaster.__init__(self,, self.levels)
self.temporary = False
def ident(self):
return self.uri
def _editedLevels(self):
def changeName(self, newName):
self.graph.patchObject(self.uri, self.uri, RDFS.label, Literal(newName))
def setName(self):"sub update name %s %s", self.uri, self.graph.label(self.uri)) = self.graph.label(self.uri)
def setLevels(self):
log.debug("sub update levels")
oldLevels = getattr(self, 'levels', {}).copy()
if oldLevels != self.levels:
log.debug("sub %s changed" %
# dispatcher too? this would help subcomposer
dispatcher.send("sub levels changed", sub=self)
def setLevelsFromGraph(self):
if hasattr(self, 'levels'):
self.levels = {}
for lev in self.graph.objects(self.uri, L9['lightLevel']):
log.debug(" lightLevel %s %s", self.uri, lev)
chan = self.graph.value(lev, L9['channel'])
val = self.graph.value(lev, L9['level'])
if val is None:
# broken lightLevel link- may be from someone deleting channels
log.warn("sub %r has lightLevel %r with channel %r "
"and level %r" % (self.uri, lev, chan, val))
log.debug(" new val %r", val)
if val == 0:
name = self.graph.label(chan)
if not name:
log.error("sub %r has channel %r with no name- "
"leaving out that channel" % (, chan))
self.levels[name] = float(val)
log.error("name %r val %r" % (name, val))
def _saveContext(self):
"""the context in which we should save all the lightLevel triples for
this sub"""
typeStmt = (self.uri, RDF.type, L9['Submaster'])
with self.graph.currentState(tripleFilter=typeStmt) as current:
log.debug("submaster's type statement is in %r so we save there" %
ctx = current.contextsForStatement(typeStmt)[0]
except IndexError:"declaring %s to be a submaster" % self.uri)
ctx = self.uri
(self.uri, RDF.type, L9['Submaster'], ctx),
return ctx
def editLevel(self, chan, newLevel):
subject=self.uri, predicate=L9['lightLevel'],
keyPred=L9['channel'], newKey=chan,
def clear(self):
"""set all levels to 0"""
with self.graph.currentState() as g:
levs = list(g.objects(self.uri, L9['lightLevel']))
for lev in levs:
self.graph.removeMappingNode(self._saveContext(), lev)
def allQuads(self):
"""all the quads for this sub"""
quads = []
with self.graph.currentState() as current:
quads.extend(current.quads((self.uri, None, None)))
for s,p,o,c in quads:
if p == L9['lightLevel']:
quads.extend(current.quads((o, None, None)))
return quads
def save(self):
raise NotImplementedError("obsolete?")
if self.temporary:"not saving temporary sub named %s",
graph = Graph()
subUri = L9['sub/%s' %]
graph.add((subUri, RDFS.label, Literal(
for chan in self.levels.keys():
chanUri = get_channel_uri(chan)
except KeyError:
log.error("saving dmx channels with no :Channel node "
"is not supported yet. Give channel %s a URI "
"for it to be saved. Omitting this channel "
"from the sub." % chan)
lev = BNode()
graph.add((subUri, L9['lightLevel'], lev))
graph.add((lev, L9['channel'], chanUri))
graph.add((lev, L9['level'],
Literal(self.levels[chan], datatype=XSD['decimal'])))
graph.serialize(showconfig.subFile(, format="nt")
def linear_fade(start, end, amount):
"""Fades between two floats by an amount. amount is a float between
0 and 1. If amount is 0, it will return the start value. If it is 1,
the end value will be returned."""
level = start + (amount * (end - start))
return level
def sub_maxes(*subs):
nonzero_subs = [s for s in subs if not s.no_nonzero()]
name = "max(%s)" % ", ".join([repr(s) for s in nonzero_subs])
return Submaster(name,
levels=dict_max(*[sub.levels for sub in nonzero_subs]))
def combine_subdict(subdict, name=None, permanent=False):
"""A subdict is { Submaster objects : levels }. We combine all
submasters first by multiplying the submasters by their corresponding
levels and then max()ing them together. Returns a new Submaster
object. You can give it a better name than the computed one that it
will get or make it permanent if you'd like it to be saved to disk.
Serves 8."""
scaledsubs = [sub * level for sub, level in subdict.items()]
maxes = sub_maxes(*scaledsubs)
if name: = name
if permanent:
maxes.temporary = False
return maxes
class Submasters(object):
"Collection o' Submaster objects"
def __init__(self, graph):
self.submasters = {} # uri : Submaster
self.graph = graph
def findSubs(self):
current = set()
for s in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Submaster']):
if self.graph.contains((s, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'])):
log.debug("found sub %s", s)
if s not in self.submasters:
sub = self.submasters[s] = PersistentSubmaster(self.graph, s)
dispatcher.send("new submaster", sub=sub)
for s in set(self.submasters.keys()) - current:
del self.submasters[s]
dispatcher.send("lost submaster", subUri=s)"findSubs finished, %s subs", len(self.submasters))
def get_all_subs(self):
"All Submaster objects"
l = self.submasters.items()
l = [x[1] for x in l]
songs = []
notsongs = []
for s in l:
if and'song'):
combined = notsongs + songs
return combined
def get_sub_by_uri(self, uri):
return self.submasters[uri]
def get_sub_by_name(self, name):
return get_sub_by_name(name, self)
# a global instance of Submasters, created on demand
_submasters = None
def get_global_submasters(graph):
Get (and make on demand) the global instance of
Submasters. Cached, but the cache is not correctly using the graph
argument. The first graph you pass will stick in the cache.
global _submasters
if _submasters is None:
_submasters = Submasters(graph)
return _submasters
def get_sub_by_name(name, submasters=None):
"""name is a channel or sub nama, submasters is a Submasters object.
If you leave submasters empty, it will use the global instance of
if not submasters:
submasters = get_global_submasters()
# get_all_sub_names went missing. needs rework
#if name in submasters.get_all_sub_names():
# return submasters.get_sub_by_name(name)
val = int(name)
s = Submaster("#%d" % val, levels={val : 1.0})
return s
except ValueError:
subnum = get_dmx_channel(name)
s = Submaster("'%s'" % name, levels={subnum : 1.0})
return s
except ValueError:
# make an error sub
return Submaster('%s' % name, levels=ValueError)