@ 6fa4288da8a6
Branch filter:
Location: light9/light9/curvecalc/
12.3 KiB
rdfdb is its own package now
Ignore-this: 6b0b51464911b955687fefe6454fb91b
Ignore-this: 6b0b51464911b955687fefe6454fb91b
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import glob, time, logging, ast, os
from bisect import bisect_left,bisect
import louie as dispatcher
from twisted.internet import reactor
from rdflib import Literal
from light9 import showconfig
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, RDFS
from rdfdb.patch import Patch
log = logging.getLogger()
# todo: move to config, consolidate with ascoltami, musicPad, etc
introPad = 4
postPad = 4
class Curve(object):
"""curve does not know its name. see Curveset"""
def __init__(self, uri, pointsStorage='graph'):
self.uri = uri
self.pointsStorage = pointsStorage
self.points = [] # x-sorted list of (x,y)
self._muted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s (%s points)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.uri,
def muted():
doc = "Whether to currently send levels (boolean, obviously)"
def fget(self):
return self._muted
def fset(self, val):
self._muted = val
dispatcher.send('mute changed', sender=self)
return locals()
muted = property(**muted())
def toggleMute(self):
self.muted = not self.muted
def load(self,filename):
for line in file(filename):
x, y = line.split()
self.points.append((float(x), ast.literal_eval(y)))
dispatcher.send("points changed",sender=self)
def set_from_string(self, pts):
self.points[:] = []
vals = pts.split()
pairs = zip(vals[0::2], vals[1::2])
for x, y in pairs:
self.points.append((float(x), ast.literal_eval(y)))
dispatcher.send("points changed",sender=self)
def points_as_string(self):
def outVal(x):
if isinstance(x, basestring): # markers
return x
return "%.4g" % x
return ' '.join("%s %s" % (outVal(p[0]), outVal(p[1]))
for p in self.points)
def save(self,filename):
# this is just around for markers, now
if filename.endswith('-music') or filename.endswith('_music'):
print "not saving music track"
f = file(filename,'w')
for p in self.points:
f.write("%s %r\n" % p)
def eval(self, t, allow_muting=True):
if self.muted and allow_muting:
return 0
if not self.points:
raise ValueError("curve has no points")
i = bisect_left(self.points,(t,None))-1
if i == -1:
return self.points[0][1]
if self.points[i][0]>t:
return self.points[i][1]
if i>=len(self.points)-1:
return self.points[i][1]
p1,p2 = self.points[i],self.points[i+1]
frac = (t-p1[0])/(p2[0]-p1[0])
y = p1[1]+(p2[1]-p1[1])*frac
return y
def insert_pt(self, new_pt):
"""returns index of new point"""
i = bisect(self.points, (new_pt[0],None))
# missing a check that this isn't the same X as the neighbor point
dispatcher.send("points changed", sender=self)
return i
def live_input_point(self, new_pt, clear_ahead_secs=.01):
x, y = new_pt
exist = self.points_between(x, x + clear_ahead_secs)
for pt in exist:
dispatcher.send("points changed", sender=self)
# now simplify to the left
def set_points(self, updates):
for i, pt in updates:
self.points[i] = pt
# this should be on, but live_input_point made it fail a
# lot. need a new solution.
dispatcher.send("points changed", sender=self)
def checkOverlap(self):
x = None
for p in self.points:
if p[0] <= x:
raise ValueError("overlapping points")
x = p[0]
def pop_point(self, i):
p = self.points.pop(i)
dispatcher.send("points changed", sender=self)
return p
def remove_point(self, pt):
dispatcher.send("points changed", sender=self)
def indices_between(self, x1, x2, beyond=0):
leftidx = max(0, bisect(self.points, (x1,None)) - beyond)
rightidx = min(len(self.points),
bisect(self.points, (x2,None)) + beyond)
return range(leftidx, rightidx)
def points_between(self, x1, x2):
"""returns (x,y) points"""
return [self.points[i] for i in self.indices_between(x1,x2)]
def point_before(self, x):
"""(x,y) of the point left of x, or None"""
leftidx = self.index_before(x)
if leftidx is None:
return None
return self.points[leftidx]
def index_before(self, x):
leftidx = bisect(self.points, (x,None)) - 1
if leftidx < 0:
return None
return leftidx
class CurveResource(object):
holds a Curve, deals with graphs
def __init__(self, graph, uri):
# probably newCurve and loadCurve should be the constructors instead.
self.graph, self.uri = graph, uri
def curvePointsContext(self):
return self.uri
def newCurve(self, ctx, label):
Save type/label for a new :Curve resource.
Pass the ctx where the main curve data (not the points) will go.
if hasattr(self, 'curve'):
raise ValueError('CurveResource already has a curve %r' %
(self.uri, RDF.type, L9['Curve'], ctx),
(self.uri, RDFS.label, label, ctx),
self.curve = Curve(self.uri)
self.curve.points.extend([(0, 0)])
def loadCurve(self):
if hasattr(self, 'curve'):
raise ValueError('CurveResource already has a curve %r' %
pointsFile = self.graph.value(self.uri, L9['pointsFile'])
self.curve = Curve(self.uri,
pointsStorage='file' if pointsFile else 'graph')
if hasattr(self.graph, 'addHandler'):
# given a currentState graph
def pointsFromGraph(self):
pts = self.graph.value(self.uri, L9['points'])
if pts is not None:
diskPts = self.graph.value(self.uri, L9['pointsFile'])
if diskPts is not None:
self.curve.load(os.path.join(showconfig.curvesDir(), diskPts))
log.warn("curve %s has no points", self.uri)
def saveCurve(self):
self.pendingSave = None
for p in self.getSavePatches():
def getSavePatches(self):
if self.curve.pointsStorage == 'file':
log.warn("not saving file curves anymore- skipping %s" % self.uri)"%s-%s" % (basename,name))
return []
elif self.curve.pointsStorage == 'graph':
return [self.graph.getObjectPatch(
raise NotImplementedError(self.curve.pointsStorage)
def watchCurvePointChanges(self):
"""start watching and saving changes to the graph"""
dispatcher.connect(self.onChange, 'points changed', sender=self.curve)
def onChange(self):
# Don't write a patch for the edited curve points until they've been
# stable for this long. This can be very short, since it's just to
# stop a 100-point edit from sending many updates. If it's too long,
# you won't see output lights change while you drag a point. Todo:
# this is just the wrong timing algorithm- it should be a max rate,
# not a max-hold-still-time.
if getattr(self, 'pendingSave', None):
self.pendingSave = reactor.callLater(HOLD_POINTS_GRAPH_COMMIT_SECS,
class Markers(Curve):
"""Marker is like a point but the y value is a string"""
def eval(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def slope(p1,p2):
if p2[0] == p1[0]:
return 0
return (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
class Curveset(object):
def __init__(self, graph, session):
self.graph, self.session = graph, session
self.currentSong = None
self.curveResources = {} # uri : CurveResource
self.markers = Markers(uri=None, pointsStorage='file')
def curveFromUri(self, uri):
return self.curveResources[uri].curve
def loadCurvesForSong(self):
current curves will track song's curves.
This fires 'add_curve' dispatcher events to announce the new curves.
self.markers = Markers(uri=None, pointsStorage='file')
self.currentSong = self.graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSong'])
if self.currentSong is None:
for uri in sorted(self.graph.objects(self.currentSong, L9['curve'])):
cr = self.curveResources[uri] = CurveResource(self.graph, uri)
curvename = self.graph.label(uri)
if not curvename:
raise ValueError("curve %r has no label" % uri)
dispatcher.send("add_curve", sender=self,
uri=uri, label=curvename, curve=cr.curve)
except Exception as e:
log.error("loading %s failed: %s", uri, e)
basename = os.path.join(
self.markers.load("%s.markers" % basename)
except IOError:
print "no marker file found"
def save(self):
"""writes a file for each curve with a name
like basename-curvename, or saves them to the rdf graph"""
patches = []
for cr in self.curveResources.values():
patches.extend(cr.getSavePatches())"%s.markers" % basename)
# this will cause reloads that will rebuild our curve list
for p in patches:
def sorter(self, name):
return self.curves[name].uri
def curveUrisInOrder(self):
return sorted(self.curveResources.keys())
def currentCurves(self):
# deprecated
for uri, cr in sorted(self.curveResources.items()):
with self.graph.currentState(
tripleFilter=(uri, RDFS['label'], None)) as g:
yield uri, g.label(uri), cr.curve
def globalsdict(self):
raise NotImplementedError('subterm used to get a dict of name:curve')
def get_time_range(self):
return 0, dispatcher.send("get max time")[0][1]
def new_curve(self, name):
if isinstance(name, Literal):
name = str(name)
uri = self.graph.sequentialUri(self.currentSong + '/curve-')
cr = self.curveResources[uri] = CurveResource(self.graph, uri)
cr.newCurve(ctx=self.currentSong, label=Literal(name))
s, e = self.get_time_range()
cr.curve.points.extend([(s, 0), (e, 0)])
ctx = self.currentSong
(self.currentSong, L9['curve'], uri, ctx),