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import time, json, logging, traceback
import numpy
import serial
from twisted.internet import reactor, threads
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
from twisted.internet.error import TimeoutError
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
import cyclone.httpclient
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, RDFS
from light9.effecteval.effect import EffectNode
from light9 import Effects
from light9 import networking
from light9 import Submaster
from light9 import dmxclient
from light9 import prof
log = logging.getLogger('effectloop')
class EffectLoop(object):
"""maintains a collection of the current EffectNodes, gets time from
music player, sends dmx"""
def __init__(self, graph, stats):
self.graph, self.stats = graph, stats
self.currentSong = None
self.currentEffects = [
] # EffectNodes for the current song plus the submaster ones
self.lastLogTime = 0
self.lastLogMsg = ""
self.lastErrorLog = 0
self.period = 1 / 30
self.coastSecs = .3 # main reason to keep this low is to notice play/pause
self.songTimeFetch = 0
self.songIsPlaying = False
self.songTimeFromRequest = 0
self.requestTime = 0 # unix sec for when we fetched songTime
def initOutput(self):
def startLoop(self):"startLoop")
self.lastSendLevelsTime = 0
reactor.callLater(self.period, self.sendLevels)
reactor.callLater(self.period, self.updateTimeFromMusic)
def setEffects(self):
self.currentEffects = []'setEffects currentSong=%s', self.currentSong)
if self.currentSong is None:
for effectUri in self.graph.objects(self.currentSong, L9['effect']):
self.currentEffects.append(EffectNode(self.graph, effectUri))
for sub in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Submaster']):
for effectUri in self.graph.objects(sub, L9['drivesEffect']):
self.currentEffects.append(EffectNode(self.graph, effectUri))'now we have %s effects', len(self.currentEffects))
def getSongTime(self):
now = time.time()
old = now - self.requestTime
if old > self.coastSecs:
response = json.loads((yield cyclone.httpclient.fetch(
networking.musicPlayer.path('time'), timeout=.5)).body)
except TimeoutError:
log.warning("TimeoutError: using stale time from %.1f ago", old)
self.requestTime = now
self.currentPlaying = response['playing']
self.songTimeFromRequest = response['t']
returnValue((response['t'], (response['song'] and
estimated = self.songTimeFromRequest
if self.currentSong is not None and self.currentPlaying:
estimated += now - self.requestTime
returnValue((estimated, self.currentSong))
def updateTimeFromMusic(self):
t1 = time.time()
with self.stats.getMusic.time():
self.songTime, song = yield self.getSongTime()
self.songTimeFetch = time.time()
if song != self.currentSong:
self.currentSong = song
# this may be piling on the handlers
elapsed = time.time() - t1
reactor.callLater(max(0, self.period - elapsed),
def estimatedSongTime(self):
now = time.time()
t = self.songTime
if self.currentPlaying:
t += max(0, now - self.songTimeFetch)
return t
def sendLevels(self):
t1 = time.time()
log.debug("time since last call: %.1f ms" %
(1000 * (t1 - self.lastSendLevelsTime)))
self.lastSendLevelsTime = t1
with self.stats.sendLevels.time():
if self.currentSong is not None:
with self.stats.evals.time():
outputs = self.allEffectOutputs(
combined = self.combineOutputs(outputs)
self.logLevels(t1, combined)
with self.stats.sendOutput.time():
yield self.sendOutput(combined)
elapsed = time.time() - t1
dt = max(0, self.period - elapsed)
except Exception:
self.stats.errors += 1
dt = .5
reactor.callLater(dt, self.sendLevels)
def combineOutputs(self, outputs):
"""pick usable effect outputs and reduce them into one for sendOutput"""
outputs = [x for x in outputs if isinstance(x, Submaster.Submaster)]
out = Submaster.sub_maxes(*outputs)
return out
def sendOutput(self, combined):
dmx = combined.get_dmx_list()
yield dmxclient.outputlevels(dmx, twisted=True)
def allEffectOutputs(self, songTime):
outputs = []
for e in self.currentEffects:
out = e.eval(songTime)
if isinstance(out, (list, tuple)):
except Exception as exc:
now = time.time()
if now > self.lastErrorLog + 5:
if hasattr(exc, 'expr'):
log.exception('in expression %r', exc.expr)
log.error("effect %s: %s" % (e.uri, exc))
self.lastErrorLog = now
log.debug('eval %s effects, got %s outputs', len(self.currentEffects),
return outputs
def logLevels(self, now, out):
# this would look nice on the top of the effecteval web pages too
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
if now > self.lastLogTime + 5:
msg = self.logMessage(out)
if msg != self.lastLogMsg:
self.lastLogMsg = msg
self.lastLogTime = now
def logMessage(self, out):
return ("send dmx: {%s}" % ", ".join(
"%r: %.3g" % (str(k), v) for k, v in out.get_levels().items()))
Z = numpy.zeros((50, 3), dtype=numpy.float16)
class ControlBoard(object):
def __init__(
):'opening %s', dev)
self._dev = serial.Serial(dev, baudrate=115200)
def _8bitMessage(self, floatArray):
px255 = (numpy.clip(floatArray, 0, 1) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
return px255.reshape((-1,)).tostring()
def setStrip(self, which, pixels):
which: 0 or 1 to pick the strip
pixels: (50, 3) array of 0..1 floats
command = {0: '\x00', 1: '\x01'}[which]
if pixels.shape != (50, 3):
raise ValueError("pixels was %s" % pixels.shape)
self._dev.write('\x60' + command + self._8bitMessage(pixels))
def setUv(self, which, level):
which: 0 or 1
level: 0 to 1
command = {0: '\x02', 1: '\x03'}[which]
self._dev.write('\x60' + command +
chr(int(max(0, min(1, level)) * 255)))
def setRgb(self, color):
color: (1, 3) array of 0..1 floats
if color.shape != (1, 3):
raise ValueError("color was %s" % color.shape)
self._dev.write('\x60\x04' + self._8bitMessage(color))
class LedLoop(EffectLoop):
def initOutput(self):
self.board = ControlBoard()
self.lastSent = {} # what's in arduino's memory
def combineOutputs(self, outputs):
combined = {
'L': Z,
'R': Z,
'blacklight0': 0,
'blacklight1': 0,
'W': numpy.zeros((1, 3), dtype=numpy.float16)
for out in outputs:
log.debug('combine output %r', out)
# workaround- somehow these subs that drive fx aren't
# sending their fx during playback (KC only), so we react
# to the sub itself
if isinstance(out, Submaster.Submaster) and '*' in
level = float('*')[1])
n ='*')[0]
if n == 'widered':
out = Effects.Strip.solid('LRW', (1, 0, 0)) * level
if n == 'widegreen':
out = Effects.Strip.solid('LRW', (0, 1, 0)) * level
if n == 'wideblue':
out = Effects.Strip.solid('LRW', (0, 0, 1)) * level
if n == 'whiteled':
out = Effects.Strip.solid('LRW', (1, .7, .7)) * level
if n == 'blacklight':
out = Effects.Blacklight(level) # missing blues!
if isinstance(out, Effects.Blacklight):
# no picking yet
#key = 'blacklight%s' % out.which
for key in ['blacklight0', 'blacklight1']:
combined[key] = max(combined[key], out)
elif isinstance(out, Effects.Strip):
pixels = numpy.array(out.pixels, dtype=numpy.float16)
for w in out.which:
combined[w] = numpy.maximum(
combined[w], pixels[:1, :] if w == 'W' else pixels)
return combined
def sendOutput(self, combined):
for meth, selectArgs, value in [
('setStrip', (0,), combined['L']),
('setStrip', (1,), combined['R']),
('setUv', (0,), combined['blacklight0']),
('setUv', (1,), combined['blacklight1']),
('setRgb', (), combined['W']),
key = (meth, selectArgs)
compValue = value.tolist() if isinstance(value,
numpy.ndarray) else value
if self.lastSent.get(key) == compValue:
log.debug('value changed: %s(%s %s)', meth, selectArgs, value)
getattr(self.board, meth)(*(selectArgs + (value,)))
self.lastSent[key] = compValue
yield succeed(None) # there was an attempt at an async send
def logMessage(self, out):
return str([(w, p.tolist() if isinstance(p, numpy.ndarray) else p)
for w, p in out.items()])
def makeEffectLoop(graph, stats, outputWhere):
if outputWhere == 'dmx':
return EffectLoop(graph, stats)
elif outputWhere == 'leds':
return LedLoop(graph, stats)
raise NotImplementedError("unknown output system %r" % outputWhere)