Files @ 7a85229d07a0
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2004/curves/07mission-song

Drew Perttula
currentgraphstate now returns readonly (not actually snapshotted) view of the graph, not a copy
Ignore-this: 7db0291740fe8dee0ad25b24571b171b
-3.58208955224 0.0
0.397638536825 0.0
5.84684692172 0
37.581 0.0
60.861 0.0
61.001 0.5
61.4994842037 0.306818181818
61.861 0.5
62.4231995171 0.295454545455
63.001 0.5
63.6890316133 0.454545454545
64.341 0.5
65.221 0.25
65.6613151927 0.5
66.261 0.25
66.921 0.5
67.561 0.25
68.101 0.5
68.741 0.25
69.341 0.5
74.7717320053 0.659090909091
74.9063647967 0
85.1798013048 0
87.497554746 0
107.259257445 0
116.222 0.25
118.261718948 0.738636363636
130.759660655 0.738636363636
138.267801966 0.75
143.364422377 0.204545454545
149.795537834 0
156.584093763 0.0
190.762912772 0.0
195.073419611 0
202.619624335 1
216.037958309 1.0
219.8603664 0
221.376487359 0.0