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Drew Perttula
new patchSubgraph and other rdfdb improvements
Ignore-this: 37f5bdb9bdc569dd67d1ce332fc60a89
this is a proposal for a ConjunctiveGraph method in rdflib
import sys
if sys.path[0] == '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages':
    # nosetests puts this in
    sys.path = sys.path[1:]

import unittest
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph, URIRef as U

def patchQuads(graph, deleteQuads, addQuads, perfect=False):
    Delete the sequence of given quads. Then add the given quads just
    like addN would. If perfect is True, we'll error before the
    deletes or before the adds (not a real transaction) if any of the
    deletes isn't in the graph or if any of the adds was already in
    the graph.

    These input quads use URIRef for the context, but
    Graph(identifier=) is also allowed (which is what you'll get
    sometimes from rdflib APIs).
    toDelete = []
    for spoc in deleteQuads:
        spoc = fixContextToUri(spoc)

        if perfect:
            if inGraph(spoc, graph):
                raise ValueError("%r not in %r" % (spoc[:3], spoc[3]))
    for spoc in toDelete:

    if perfect:
        addQuads = list(addQuads)
        for spoc in addQuads:
            spoc = fixContextToUri(spoc)
            if inGraph(spoc, graph):
                raise ValueError("%r already in %r" % (spoc[:3], spoc[3]))

def fixContextToUri(spoc):
    if not isinstance(spoc[3], U):
        return spoc[:3] + (spoc[3].identifier,)
    return spoc
def inGraph(spoc, graph):
    c is just a URIRef.
    Workaround for
    spoi = spoc[:3] + (Graph(identifier=spoc[3]),)
    if spoi not in graph:
        # this is a huge speedup, avoid many whole-graph scans
        return False
    return spoi in graph.quads()

# some of the following workarounds may be fixed in
def graphFromQuads(q):
    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    #g.addN(q) # no effect on nquad output
    for s,p,o,c in q:
        #g.get_context(c).add((s,p,o)) # kind of works with broken rdflib nquad serializer code; you need this for json_ld serialize to work :(,p,o), c) # no effect on nquad output
    return g

def graphFromNQuad(text):
    g1 = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g1.parse(data=text, format='nquads')
    return g1

from rdflib.plugins.serializers.nt import _xmlcharref_encode
def serializeQuad(g):
    """replacement for graph.serialize(format='nquads')"""
    out = []
    for s,p,o,c in g.quads((None,None,None)):
        if isinstance(c, Graph):
            # still not sure why this is Graph sometimes,
            # already URIRef other times
            c = c.identifier
        if '[' in c.n3():
            import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        out.append(u"%s %s %s %s .\n" % (s.n3(),
    return ''.join(out)

def inContext(graph, newContext):
    make a ConjunctiveGraph where all the triples in the given graph
    (or collection) are now in newContext (a uri)
    return graphFromQuads((s,p,o,newContext) for s,p,o in graph)

def contextsForStatement(graph, triple):
    return [q[3] for q in graph.quads(triple)]

A = U("http://a"); B = U("http://b")
class TestInContext(unittest.TestCase):
    def testResultHasQuads(self):
        g = inContext([(A,A,A)], B)
        self.assertEqual(list(g.quads())[0], (A,A,A,B))
class TestContextsForStatement(unittest.TestCase):
    def testNotFound(self):
        g = graphFromQuads([(A,A,A,A)])
        self.assertEqual(contextsForStatement(g, (B,B,B)), [])
    def testOneContext(self):
        g = graphFromQuads([(A,A,A,A), (A,A,B,B)])
        self.assertEqual(contextsForStatement(g, (A,A,A)), [A])
    def testTwoContexts(self):
        g = graphFromQuads([(A,A,A,A), (A,A,A,B)])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(contextsForStatement(g, (A,A,A))), sorted([A,B]))
    # There's a case where contextsForStatement was returning a Graph
    # with identifier, which I've fixed without a test

class TestGraphFromQuads(unittest.TestCase):
    nqOut = '<> <> <> <> .\n'
    def testSerializes(self):
        n = U("")
        g = graphFromQuads([(n,n,n,n)])
        out = serializeQuad(g)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), self.nqOut.strip())

    def testNquadParserSerializes(self):
        g = graphFromNQuad(self.nqOut)
        self.assertEqual(len(g), 1)
        out = serializeQuad(g)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), self.nqOut.strip())

A = U("http://a"); B = U("http://b"); C = U("http://c")
CTX1 = U('http://ctx1'); CTX2 = U('http://ctx2')
stmt1 = A, B, C, CTX1
stmt2 = A, B, C, CTX2
class TestPatchQuads(unittest.TestCase):
    def testAddsToNewContext(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
        self.assert_(len(g), 1)
        quads = list(g.quads((None,None,None)))
        self.assertEqual(quads, [(A, B, C, Graph(identifier=CTX1))])

    def testDeletes(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
        patchQuads(g, [stmt1], [])
        quads = list(g.quads((None,None,None)))
        self.assertEqual(quads, [])

    def testDeleteRunsBeforeAdd(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [stmt1], [stmt1])
        quads = list(g.quads((None,None,None)))
        self.assertEqual(quads, [(A, B, C, Graph(identifier=CTX1))])

    def testPerfectAddRejectsExistingStmt(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, patchQuads, g, [], [stmt1], perfect=True)

    def testPerfectAddAllowsExistingStmtInNewContext(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt2], perfect=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(g.quads((None,None,None)))), 2)

    def testPerfectDeleteRejectsAbsentStmt(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, patchQuads, g, [stmt1], [], perfect=True)

    def testPerfectDeleteRejectsStmtFromOtherGraph(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt2])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, patchQuads, g, [stmt1], [], perfect=True)
    def testPerfectDeleteAllowsRemovalOfStmtInMultipleContexts(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1, stmt2])
        patchQuads(g, [stmt1], [], perfect=True)

    def testRedundantStmtOkForAddOrDelete(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1, stmt1], perfect=True)
        patchQuads(g, [stmt1, stmt1], [], perfect=True)