need to see autostop!
main spot fadeout curve is bad
TL zoomout cursors seem misaligned
middle zoom slider doesn't update zoomed audio
ok- TL isn't getting duration of paused song. it also needs to resize to the extent of the new song
#18 ~26sec for party. try animRainbow with literalColor(scl * .6, scl * 0, scl * 1)
ok #1 low on lip
ok #4 exit not fast enough
ok 6 no ending
ok 8 started at t<0
ok 11 end bad
ok 12 blue is unfinished
ok 13 end broken, girls downstage too
14 too fast to wwhite, loses it before stop
16 t=90 needs whiite ctr. also 260
fix 377 strobe blackout
409 & 411, 442 & 444 accent hands up
425 decorate & 457
17 missing houseside
ok- houseside sub isn't done
10 t=232 dress flip, look busier. strong color
need a way to make it brighter, maybe by grabbing every zoom
it would be nice to see the light brightness and rotation lags in the timeline, so i can align their end with some event