Files @ a18eb09762b7
Branch filter:

Location: light9/light9/effect/

Drew Perttula
move rdfdb to a new project
Ignore-this: 8ce04a43895d1516cd7c14421840eeaf
import json
import cyclone.httpclient
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal

from light9 import networking
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, RDFS
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.curvecalc.curve import CurveResource

def clamp(x, lo, hi):
    return max(lo, min(hi, x))

def getMusicStatus():
    returnValue(json.loads((yield cyclone.httpclient.fetch(
        networking.musicPlayer.path('time'), timeout=.5)).body))

def songEffectPatch(graph, dropped, song, event, ctx):
    some uri was 'dropped' in the curvecalc timeline. event is 'default' or 'start' or 'end'.
    with graph.currentState(
            tripleFilter=(dropped, None, None)) as g:
        droppedTypes = list(g.objects(dropped, RDF.type))
        droppedLabel = g.label(dropped)
        droppedCodes = list(g.objects(dropped, L9['code']))

    quads = []
    fade = 2 if event == 'default' else 0

    if _songHasEffect(graph, song, dropped):
        # bump the existing curve
        effect, q = _newEffect(graph, song, ctx)

        curve = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/curve-")
        yield _newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, curve, droppedLabel, fade)
            (song, L9['curve'], curve, ctx),
            (effect, RDFS.label, droppedLabel, ctx),
            (effect, L9['code'], Literal('env = %s' % curve.n3()), ctx),

        if L9['EffectClass'] in droppedTypes:
                (effect, RDF.type, dropped, ctx),
                ] + [(effect, L9['code'], c, ctx) for c in droppedCodes])
        elif L9['Submaster'] in droppedTypes:
                (effect, L9['code'], Literal('out = %s * env' % dropped.n3()),
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "don't know how to add an effect from %r (types=%r)" %
                (dropped, droppedTypes))

        _maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx)

    print "adding"
    for qq in quads:
        print qq

def songNotePatch(graph, dropped, song, event, ctx, note=None):
    drop into effectsequencer timeline

    ported from makeNewNote
    with graph.currentState(
            tripleFilter=(dropped, None, None)) as g:
        droppedTypes = list(g.objects(dropped, RDF.type))

    quads = []
    fade = 2 if event == 'default' else 0.1

    if note:
        musicStatus = yield getMusicStatus()
        songTime = musicStatus['t']
        _finishCurve(graph, note, quads, ctx, songTime)
        if L9['Effect'] in droppedTypes:
            musicStatus = yield getMusicStatus()
            songTime = musicStatus['t']
            note = _makeNote(graph, song, note, quads, ctx, dropped, songTime, event, fade)
            raise NotImplementedError

    returnValue((note, Patch(addQuads=quads)))

def _point(ctx, uri, t, v):
    return [
        (uri, L9['time'], Literal(round(t, 3)), ctx),
        (uri, L9['value'], Literal(round(v, 3)), ctx)
def _finishCurve(graph, note, quads, ctx, songTime):
    with graph.currentState() as g:
        origin = g.value(note, L9['originTime']).toPython()
        curve = g.value(note, L9['curve'])

    pt2 = graph.sequentialUri(curve + 'p')
    pt3 = graph.sequentialUri(curve + 'p')
        [(curve, L9['point'], pt2, ctx)] + _point(ctx, pt2, songTime - origin, 1) +
        [(curve, L9['point'], pt3, ctx)] + _point(ctx, pt3, songTime - origin + .5, 0)

def _makeNote(graph, song, note, quads, ctx, dropped, songTime, event, fade):
    note = graph.sequentialUri(song + '/n')
    curve = graph.sequentialUri(note + 'c')
        (song, L9['note'], note, ctx),
        (note, RDF.type, L9['Note'], ctx),
        (note, L9['curve'], curve, ctx),
        (note, L9['effectClass'], dropped, ctx),
        (note, L9['originTime'], Literal(songTime), ctx),
        (curve, RDF.type, L9['Curve'], ctx),
        (curve, L9['attr'], L9['strength'], ctx),
    if event == 'default':
        coords = [(0 - fade, 0), (0, 1), (20, 1), (20 + fade, 0)]
    elif event == 'start':
        coords = [(0 - fade, 0), (0, 1), ]
    elif event == 'end': # probably unused- goes to _finishCurve instead
        coords = [(20, 1), (20 + fade, 0)]
        raise NotImplementedError(event)
    for t,v in coords:
        pt = graph.sequentialUri(curve + 'p')
        quads.extend([(curve, L9['point'], pt, ctx)] + _point(ctx, pt, t, v))
    return note
def _songHasEffect(graph, song, uri):
    """does this song have an effect of class uri or a sub curve for sub
    uri? this should be simpler to look up."""
    return False # todo

def musicCurveForSong(uri):
    return URIRef(uri + 'music')
def _newEffect(graph, song, ctx):
    effect = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/effect-")
    quads = [
        (song, L9['effect'], effect, ctx),
        (effect, RDF.type, L9['Effect'], ctx),
    print "_newEffect", effect, quads
    return effect, quads
def _newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, uri, label, fade=2):
    """this does its own patch to the graph"""
    cr = CurveResource(graph, uri)
    cr.newCurve(ctx, label=Literal(label))
    yield _insertEnvelopePoints(cr.curve, fade)

def _insertEnvelopePoints(curve, fade=2):
    # wrong: we might not be adding to the currently-playing song.
    musicStatus = yield getMusicStatus()
    t1 = clamp(songTime - fade, .1, songDuration - .1 * 2) + fade
    t2 = clamp(songTime + 20, t1 + .1, songDuration)
    curve.insert_pt((t1 - fade, 0))
    curve.insert_pt((t1, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2 + fade, 0))
def _maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx):
    add a line getting the current music into 'music' if any code might
    be mentioning that var
    for spoc in quads:
        if spoc[1] == L9['code'] and 'music' in spoc[2]:
                (effect, L9['code'],
                 Literal('music = %s' % musicCurveForSong(song).n3()), ctx)