Files @ a362b892cb43
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2012/curves/song7-full

Drew Perttula
more makefile hacks to turn debug.js into an ES6 module
Ignore-this: 79b9757e462e9007ae4c2c5eaaf9d917

(can't wait for the js build fairy to come clean all this up)
0.0 0
201.153665168 0.0
207.278507694 0.23936170212765956
219.201534477 0.25521943344492976
228.868336883 0
347.448520603 0.0
351.149016351 0.5512306692926441
352.784047174 0.7228260869565217
357.951274255 0.7195010841293459
361.787868481 0