Files @ a362b892cb43
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2013/curves/song17-upscoop

Drew Perttula
more makefile hacks to turn debug.js into an ES6 module
Ignore-this: 79b9757e462e9007ae4c2c5eaaf9d917

(can't wait for the js build fairy to come clean all this up)
0.0 0
142.34836827 0
149.509814019 0.6854838709677419
163.916063359 0.6434904102091061
164.581376293 0.35641014719349606
170.63572399 0.3190532488586435
176.135644242 0.2851173119097666
178.86342727 0.7108492047420109
185.098374574 0.7047895973501592
229.830004923 0.7142857142857143
233.674535147 0