@prefix : <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix ch: <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/theater/piedmont/channel/> .
@prefix dmx: <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/dmx/> .
dmx:c68 :dmxAddress 68 .
ch:house-side a :Channel;
:output dmx:c68;
rdfs:label "house-side" .
<http://light9.bigasterisk.com/show/dance2014/sub/stageleft> a :Submaster ;
rdfs:label "houseside" ;
:lightLevel <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/sub/local/1371346683.43/map/579807785> .
<http://light9.bigasterisk.com/sub/local/1371346683.43/map/579807785> a :ChannelSetting ;
:channel <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/theater/piedmont/channel/house-side> ;
:level 1e+00 .
# curvedb writes these. point data might be in separate files
<http://ex/effect/song1/opening> a :Curve;
rdfs:label "opening";
:points "0.0 .2 183.695203336 .6" .
# :Effect replaces :Subterm
<http://ex/effect/song1/openingLook> a :Effect;
:code "out = sub(sub:stageleft, intensity=song1:opening)";
# save the code as an AST also, to get all the links? web page was
# going to parse it anyway. but, sometimes it will have a syntax
# error. Can code with errors just parse to a bogus AST that saves
# the string with errors (and also the uri links found inside)?
# Still missing: multiple lines of code with multiple outputs. What's an output?
:dep <http://ex/effect/song1/opening>, <http://light9.bigasterisk.com/show/dance2014/sub/stageleft>
:effect <http://ex/effect/song1/openingLook>