Files @ aebe823b2414
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2019/networking.n3
typo on stats. and on udmx outputs, show the bus number in the scales tree
Ignore-this: ef1e89a995c01e4508bfcefcf5190db6
@prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .

# Use ip addrs in here to avoid an issue where nginx returns 502
# errors for ~10sec after a service (re)starts. I haven't found a fix
# for that in the nginx config.

show:dance2019 :networking sh:netHome .
  :webServer        <>;
  :patchReceiverUpdateHost "";
  :captureDevice    <>;
  :curveCalc        <>;
  :collector        <>;
  :collectorZmq     <>;
  :effectEval       <>;
  :effectSequencer  <>;
  :keyboardComposer <>;
  :musicPlayer      <>;
  :oscDmxServer     <udp://>;
  :paintServer      <>;
  :picamserve       <>;
  :rdfdb            <>;
  :subComposer      <>;
  :subServer        <>;
  :vidref           <> .

:captureDevice    :urlPath "captureDevice" .
:curveCalc        :urlPath "curveCalc" .
:dmxServer        :urlPath "dmxServer" .
:effectEval       :urlPath "effectEval" .
:keyboardComposer :urlPath "keyboardComposer" .
:musicPlayer      :urlPath "ascoltami" .
:picamserve       :urlPath "picamserve" .
:paintServer      :urlPath "paintServer" .
:rdfdb            :urlPath "rdfdb" .
:subComposer      :urlPath "subComposer" .
:subServer        :urlPath "subServer" .
:vidref           :urlPath "vidref" .
:collector        :urlPath "collector" .
:effectSequencer  :urlPath "effectSequencer" .