# Sneaking through the code are we.? ;)
style "default"
GtkEntry::cursor_color = "#FFCE00"
GtkTextView::cursor_color = "#FFCE00"
NautilusIconContainer::frame_text = 1
fg[NORMAL] = "#CACAC6"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#CACAC6"
fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#E2E2E2"
fg[SELECTED] = "#E2E2E2"
bg[ACTIVE] = "#484949"
bg[NORMAL] = "#5A5C5F"
bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#505050"
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#6A6C6F"
bg[SELECTED] = "#424446"
base[NORMAL] = "#919499"
base[ACTIVE] = "#5A5C5F"
base[INSENSITIVE] = "#5A5C5F"
base[PRELIGHT] = "#646668"
base[SELECTED] = "#5A5C5F"
text[NORMAL] = "#000000"
text[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#000000"
text[SELECTED] = "#E0D6AD"
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#777777"
engine "thinice"
# Do you want the scrollbar handles rectangular or a bit shaped?
rect_scrollbar = TRUE
# The following variables are semi-generic, can be applied to
# different widget classes etc..
# Mark type 1 is used on scrollbar handles, handleboxes etc
mark_type1 = DOT
# Mark type 2 is used on scrollbar buttons
mark_type2 = ARROW
style "togglebuttons" = "default"
fg[NORMAL] = "#000000"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000"
fg[SELECTED] = "#000000"
engine "redmond95" { }
class "GtkWidget" style "default"
class "GtkCheckButton" style "togglebuttons"
class "GtkRadioButton" style "togglebuttons"