@ ba2f00912e20
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assert = require('chai').assert
expect = require('chai').expect
SyncedGraph = require('./graph.js').SyncedGraph
describe 'SyncedGraph', ->
describe 'constructor', ->
it 'should successfully make an empty graph without connecting to rdfdb', ->
g = new SyncedGraph()
assert.equal(g.quads().length, 0)
describe 'auto dependencies', ->
graph = new SyncedGraph()
RDF = ''
U = (tail) -> graph.Uri('' + tail)
A1 = U('a1')
A2 = U('a2')
A3 = U('a3')
A4 = U('a4')
ctx = U('ctx')
quad = (s, p, o) -> graph.Quad(s, p, o, ctx)
beforeEach (done) ->
graph = new SyncedGraph()
@prefix : <> .
:ctx {
:a1 :a2 :a3 .
:a1 :someFloat 1.5 .
:a1 :someString \"hello\" .
:a1 :multipleObjects :a4, :a5 .
:a2 a :Type1 .
:a3 a :Type1 .
", done)
it 'calls a handler right away', ->
called = 0
hand = ->
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
assert.equal(1, called)
it 'calls a handler a 2nd time if the graph is patched with relevant data', ->
called = 0
hand = ->
graph.uriValue(A1, A2)
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
delQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A3)], addQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A4)]})
assert.equal(2, called)
it 'notices new queries a handler makes upon rerun', ->
called = 0
objsFound = []
hand = ->
graph.uriValue(A1, A2)
if called > 1
objsFound.push(graph.objects(A1, A3))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
# first run looked up A1,A2,*
delQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A3)], addQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A4)]})
# second run also looked up A1,A3,* (which matched none)
delQuads: [], addQuads: [quad(A1, A3, A4)]})
# third run should happen here, noticing the new A1,A3,* match
assert.equal(3, called)
assert.deepEqual([[], [A4]], objsFound)
it 'calls a handler again even if the handler throws an error', ->
called = 0
hand = ->
graph.uriValue(A1, A2)
throw new Error('this test handler throws an error')
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
delQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A3)], addQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A4)]})
assert.equal(2, called)
describe 'works with nested handlers', ->
innerResults = []
inner = ->
innerResults.push(graph.uriValue(A1, A2))
console.log("innerResults #{JSON.stringify(innerResults)}\n")
outerResults = []
doRunInner = true
outer = ->
if doRunInner
graph.runHandler(inner, 'runinner')
console.log('push outer')
outerResults.push(graph.floatValue(A1, U('someFloat')))
beforeEach ->
innerResults = []
outerResults = []
doRunInner = true
affectInner = {
delQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A3)], addQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A4)]
affectOuter = {
delQuads: [
quad(A1, U('someFloat'), graph.Literal(1.5))
], addQuads: [
quad(A1, U('someFloat'), graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(2))
affectBoth = {
delQuads: affectInner.delQuads.concat(affectOuter.delQuads),
addQuads: affectInner.addQuads.concat(affectOuter.addQuads)
it 'calls everything normally once', ->
graph.runHandler(outer, 'run')
assert.deepEqual([A3], innerResults)
assert.deepEqual([1.5], outerResults)
it.skip '[performance] reruns just the inner if its dependencies change', ->
graph.runHandler(outer, 'run')
assert.deepEqual([A3, A4], innerResults)
assert.deepEqual([1.5], outerResults)
it.skip '[performance] reruns the outer (and therefore inner) if its dependencies change', ->
graph.runHandler(outer, 'run')
assert.deepEqual([A3, A3], innerResults)
assert.deepEqual([1.5, 2], outerResults)
it.skip '[performance] does not send a redundant inner run if it is already rerunning outer', ->
# Note that outer may or may not call inner each time, and we
# don't want to redundantly call inner. We need to:
# 1. build the set of handlers to rerun,
# 2. call them from outside-in, and
# 3. any runHandler calls that happen, they need to count as reruns.
graph.runHandler(outer, 'run')
assert.deepEqual([A3, A4], innerResults)
assert.deepEqual([1.5, 2], outerResults)
it 'reruns the outer and the inner if all dependencies change, but outer omits calling inner this time', ->
graph.runHandler(outer, 'run')
doRunInner = false
assert.deepEqual([A3, A4], innerResults)
assert.deepEqual([1.5, 2], outerResults)
describe 'watches calls to:', ->
it 'floatValue', ->
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.floatValue(A1, U('someFloat')))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
graph.patchObject(A1, U('someFloat'), graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(2), ctx)
assert.deepEqual([1.5, 2.0], values)
it 'stringValue', ->
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.stringValue(A1, U('someString')))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
graph.patchObject(A1, U('someString'), graph.Literal('world'), ctx)
assert.deepEqual(['hello', 'world'], values)
it 'uriValue', ->
# covered above, but this one tests patchObject on a uri, too
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.uriValue(A1, A2))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
graph.patchObject(A1, A2, A4, ctx)
assert.deepEqual([A3, A4], values)
it 'objects', ->
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.objects(A1, U('multipleObjects')))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
graph.patchObject(A1, U('multipleObjects'), U('newOne'), ctx)
expect(values[0]).to.deep.have.members([U('a4'), U('a5')])
it 'subjects', ->
values = []
rdfType = graph.Uri(RDF + 'type')
hand = -> values.push(graph.subjects(rdfType, U('Type1')))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
{delQuads: [], addQuads: [quad(A4, rdfType, U('Type1'))]})
expect(values[0]).to.deep.have.members([A2, A3])
expect(values[1]).to.deep.have.members([A2, A3, A4])
describe 'items', ->
it 'when the list order changes', (done) ->
values = []
successes = 0
hand = ->
head = graph.uriValue(U('x'), U('y'))
# graph goes empty between clearGraph and loadTrig
graph.loadTrig "
@prefix : <> .
:ctx { :x :y (:a1 :a2 :a3) } .
", () ->
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
graph.loadTrig "
@prefix : <> .
:ctx { :x :y (:a1 :a3 :a2) } .
", () ->
assert.deepEqual([[A1, A2, A3], [A1, A3, A2]], values)
assert.equal(2, successes)
describe 'contains', ->
it 'when a new triple is added', ->
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.contains(A1, A1, A1))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
{delQuads: [], addQuads: [quad(A1, A1, A1)]})
assert.deepEqual([false, true], values)
it 'when a relevant triple is removed', ->
values = []
hand = -> values.push(graph.contains(A1, A2, A3))
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
{delQuads: [quad(A1, A2, A3)], addQuads: []})
assert.deepEqual([true, false], values)
describe 'performs well', ->
it "[performance] doesn't call handler a 2nd time if the graph gets an unrelated patch", ->
called = 0
hand = ->
graph.uriValue(A1, A2)
graph.runHandler(hand, 'run')
delQuads: [], addQuads: [quad(A2, A3, A4)]})
assert.equal(1, called)
it.skip '[performance] calls a handler 2x but then not again if the handler stopped caring about the data', ->
it.skip "[performance] doesn't get slow if the handler makes tons of repetitive lookups", ->