Files @ c5e44bab7c9a
Branch filter:

Location: light9/light9/rdfdb/

Drew Perttula
greplin.scales api fix
Ignore-this: b622bd759e9c0011fd427c2c72333d45
import logging, traceback, time, itertools
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import contextsForStatement as rp_contextsForStatement
log = logging.getLogger("currentstate")

class CurrentStateGraphApi(object):
    mixin for SyncedGraph, separated here because these methods work together

    def currentState(self, context=None, tripleFilter=(None, None, None)):
        a graph you can read without being in an addHandler

        you can save some time by passing a triple filter, and we'll only give you the matching triples
        if context is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("currentState with context arg")

        class Mgr(object):
            def __enter__(self2):
                # this should be a readonly view of the existing
                # graph, maybe with something to guard against
                # writes/patches happening while reads are being
                # done. Typical usage will do some reads on this graph
                # before moving on to writes.

                t1 = time.time()
                g = ConjunctiveGraph()
                for s,p,o,c in self._graph.quads(tripleFilter):
          ,p,o), c)

                if tripleFilter == (None, None, None):
                    self2.logThisCopy(g, time.time() - t1)
                g.contextsForStatement = lambda t: contextsForStatementNoWildcards(g, t)
                return g

            def logThisCopy(self, g, sec):
      "copied graph %s statements (%.1f ms) "
                         "because of this:" % (len(g), sec * 1000))
                for frame in traceback.format_stack(limit=4)[:-2]:
                    for line in frame.splitlines():
              "  "+line)

            def __exit__(self, type, val, tb):

        return Mgr()

    def sequentialUri(self, prefix):
        Prefix URIRef like will return if that uri is not a subject in the graph,
        or else, etc
        for i in itertools.count(1):
            newUri = prefix + str(i)
            if not list(self._grap.triples((newUri, None, None))):
                return newUri

def contextsForStatementNoWildcards(g, triple):
    if None in triple:
        raise NotImplementedError("no wildcards")
    return rp_contextsForStatement(g, triple)