@ d050b8efda9d
Branch filter:
Location: light9/light9/effect/
4.3 KiB
fix bug with uninitialized effect ,and prefer a dead effect over a graph reload
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import inspect
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, List, Optional
from rdfdb.syncedgraph.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from rdflib import RDF
from rdflib.term import Node
from light9.effect.effect_function_library import EffectFunctionLibrary
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.newtypes import (DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectAttr, EffectFunction, EffectUri, VTUnion)
from light9.typedgraph import typedValue
log = logging.getLogger('effecteval')
class Config:
effectFunction: EffectFunction
esettings: EffectSettings
devSettings: Optional[DeviceSettings] # the EffectSettings :effectAttr :devSettings item, if there was one
func: Callable
funcArgs: List[inspect.Parameter]
class EffectEval2:
"""Runs one effect code to turn EffectSettings (e.g. strength) into DeviceSettings"""
graph: SyncedGraph
uri: EffectUri
lib: EffectFunctionLibrary
config: Optional[Config] = None
def __post_init__(self):
def _compile(self):
self.config = None
if not self.graph.contains((self.uri, RDF.type, L9['Effect'])):
effectFunction = typedValue(EffectFunction, self.graph, self.uri, L9['effectFunction'])
effSets = []
devSettings = None
for s in self.graph.objects(self.uri, L9['setting']):
attr = typedValue(EffectAttr, self.graph, s, L9['effectAttr'])
if attr == L9['deviceSettings']:
value = typedValue(Node, self.graph, s, L9['value'])
rows = []
for ds in self.graph.objects(value, L9['setting']):
d = typedValue(DeviceUri, self.graph, ds, L9['device'])
da = typedValue(DeviceAttr, self.graph, ds, L9['deviceAttr'])
v = typedValue(VTUnion, self.graph, ds, L9['value'])
rows.append((d, da, v))
devSettings = DeviceSettings(self.graph, rows)
value = typedValue(VTUnion, self.graph, s, L9['value'])
effSets.append((self.uri, attr, value))
esettings = EffectSettings(self.graph, effSets)
effectFunction = typedValue(EffectFunction, self.graph, self.uri, L9['effectFunction'])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'{self.uri} has no :effectFunction')
func = self.lib.getFunc(effectFunction)
# This should be in EffectFunctionLibrary
funcArgs = list(inspect.signature(func).parameters.values())
self.config = Config(effectFunction, esettings, devSettings, func, funcArgs)
except Exception:
log.error(f"while compiling {self.uri}")
def compute(self, songTime: float, inputs: EffectSettings) -> DeviceSettings:
calls our function using inputs (publishedAttr attrs, e.g. :strength)
and effect-level settings including a special attr called :deviceSettings
with DeviceSettings as its value
if self.config is None:
return DeviceSettings(self.graph, [])
c = self.config
kw = {}
for arg in c.funcArgs:
if arg.annotation == DeviceSettings:
v = c.devSettings
elif == 'songTime':
v = songTime
eaForName = EffectAttr(L9[])
v = self._getEffectAttrValue(eaForName, inputs)
kw[] = v
log.debug('calling %s with %s', c.func, kw)
return c.func(**kw)
def _getEffectAttrValue(self, attr: EffectAttr, inputs: EffectSettings) -> VTUnion:
c = self.config
if c is None:
return inputs.getValue(self.uri, attr, defaultToZero=False)
except KeyError:
return c.esettings.getValue(self.uri, attr, defaultToZero=False)
except KeyError:
return self.lib.getDefaultValue(c.effectFunction, attr)